Check out these 15 Mouthwatering Mini Pizza Recipes and take your next party or game night to the next level! Who needs delivery?!
So, a few years ago, I had this amazing assistant who would sometimes help with recipe creation when I was traveling. I was a lot different back then.
We were a two income household, my ex husband and I both had a busy travel schedule, and Angeline was a busybody teenager - life was chaotic, but having an almost full time virtual assistant helped me keep my personal life in order, and helped this little old blog to not only survive when I was off the grid on safari with Angeline for Spring Break (yes, she was spoiled), but THRIVE!
Ronni came up with this fantastic Chicken Fajita Flatbread Pizza Recipe and people still search for it on Google, so I think that y'all will love it!
15 Mouthwatering Mini Pizza Recipes
Doesn't that pizza look AMAZING? I know, I know - it totally does! I have lots of pizza and pizza esque recipes on The Rebel Chick, because pizza is just such a fun lunch, dinner or even appetizer at your party.
When I was married and Angeline was young, we had a Friday night ritual - we ordered a pizza, went to Blockbuster (yes, I do realize that I am aging myself here, but y'all know that I am in my 40s already, right? NO SHAME!) and spent the night chowing down on pizza delivery and watching movies as a family.
Unfortunately, we didn't have access to the best pizza beverly we had to make due with what was available to us in our Miami neighborhood!
Want even more Pizza Recipes? Check these out!
15 Mouthwatering Mini Pizza Recipes
Okay, enough about my own super fun and delicious pizza recipes - check out these other 15 Mouthwatering Mini Pizza Recipes from my blogger friends!
Pizza Stuffed Peppers by Hungry Hobby
Chicken, Spinach and Artichoke Pizza Bites by The Thrifty Couple
Mexican Breakfast Pizzas by Two Healthy Kitchens
Mini Prosciutto, Olive, & Fennel Pizza Bites by Feast in Thyme
Easy Biscuit Mini Pizzas by Nellie Bellie
Muffin Tin Pizzas by A Cultivated Nest
Thin Crust Mini Chicken Basil Pizzas by Kleinworth and Co.
Have you seen this Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Dip Recipe?
Smoked Pork BBQ Pizzas by The Tiptoe Fairy
Deep Dish Pizza Bites by Who Needs a Cape
Mini Pizzas by Cookie Dough and Oven Mitt
Hamburger Bun Pizzas by Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom
Avocado Naan Pizzas by Tatertots and Jello
Air Fryer Pita Pizzas by Recipes From a Pantry
Homemade Pizzas by An Oregon Cottage
Fresh Mozzarella Mini Pizzas by Ginger Casa
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