These days the concept of a dream partner can often be met by a cynical eye roll or a knowing sigh.
In the era of Tinder and other casual dating apps, and the never-ending deluge of good pick up lines (if any exist), the dream partner is often not what they seem and if they are a dream, they’re usually only that way for a short period of time before they turn into a nightmare – if they even stick around that long for you to find out!

Finding Your Dream Partner
Before the media was screaming left, right and center about the ups and downs of hook-up culture, however, there was an entire subculture of women (and men) who left their fate up to the stars. Perhaps your parents were among them!
You've probably heard people ask what star sign you are, and that's because there's a revival in the zodiac signs. In fact, they never really went away. Could they help you find 'the one'?
As we're now well into a new year, you may be thinking about settling down with a new partner. You know, a nice one. Sure, dating is fun, but it can get tiring. Have you ever considered reading your horoscope?
The Role of Horoscopes in Finding Your Dream Partner
Millions of people worldwide rely on horoscopes so perhaps they'll work for you! It's all about trusting and believing, and there's no reason not to give it a go.
Horoscopes are all about celestial occurrences and the alignment of stars and planets. It's very complex and the study of astrology itself dates back to around three million years BC in our traditional western calendar. That's a lot of years of cosmic understanding to wrap your head around!
There are 12 signs of the Zodiac and four different types of 'star sign', related to the elements. These are water, air, earth and fire. The four types of signs all carry different traits (although obviously some will overlap) and then within each individual sign, there are traits, too.
This can be handy when you're looking for a particular kind of partner! Take a person's disposition, for example.
Remember that your Dream Partner is an individual
Of course we are all individuals, but many people share similar traits that are uncanny based on the exact moment of their birth. There's an argument that everything has aligned to make them that way, which could affect their compatibility with you.
That said, there are many ways to check the compatibility of certain zodiac signs with each other, such as a compatibility calculator or zodiac compatibility tests. Other than this, diving deep into each sign and comparing them with each other can help you come up with your own ideas about what each sign likes and desires.
For instance, the Sagittarius zodiac sign is more likely to form successful romantic relationships with Aries and Leo, because the personality type of the Sagittarius sign and their emotional level matches well with those two. There are innumerate cases of why several types match well together.
It all gets a little confusing as there are debates that the calendar we use in Christian countries doesn't actually align with the true timings of the stars, and as such, there may even be a 13th sign!
However, whether you believe or not, there's no harm giving horoscopes a go. Coincidence or not, sometimes in love it's all about fate!
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