Most of us, when we think about candles, think of them as being something that we can use to light up our homes in a power cut, or something that is nice to have to make the place feel romantic or smell a bit nicer.
That is all true, of course, but did you know that burning candles at home can also have some very real health benefits? If that has surprised you read on to find out exactly how candles could improve your health.
Keep the bugs at bay
One of the best things about certain scented candles, namely those scented with citronella, is that they can keep bugs, including mosquitoes, at bay, which means you are less likely to suffer from bug bites or get sick due to the pests that invade your home. As such, they are a great solution while you were waiting for mosquito control to come and solve the problem once and for all, and a great addition to every home in the summer, in particular.
Help you sleep
Lavender scented candles are great at helping you get w good night’s sleep if you burn them before bedtime, Why? Because lavender has been shown to soothe the body and mind and make it a whole lot easier to drift off in the evenings.
Soothe your stresses
Of course, scents like lavender, ylang-ylang, and orange have all been shown to help relieve stress in some people too. So, next time you’re feeling stressed why not light your favorite scented candle and breathe in deeply? It will probably do your the world of good.
Improve your memory
Smell is one of the most powerful senses. You can smell something that you last smelled 20 years ago and instantly be transported back to the time and place you were when you first smelled it. For that reason, people who are suffering from memory problems may find that scented candles help to stimulate their brain and improve their memories to some degree.
Boost mood
Soke scents, like orange oil, lemon and frankincense have been shown to boost mood in some people, so if you're feeling down. Lighting a candle and relaxing with a good book or a great TV show could really help to perk you up.
Help you to meditate
Meditation is great for your health. It has been shown to lower stress levels, bring blood pressure down, help to manage pain and so much more. Many people struggle to meditate because they find it hard to be quiet and focus on their breath, If you're one of them, you may find that focusing on the flame of a candle instead is much easier for you to do, which means you are more likely to be able to benefit from the wonderful healing powers of the practice.
As you can see, candles really can be great for your health, so why not invest in a few today? Choose candles that use natural essential oils rather than synthetic fragrances for best results.
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