Many of us have been happy to go on adventures our whole lives. But following the coronavirus pandemic, when many of us couldn’t go traveling, the desire for an adventure has become even more pronounced.
Even the people who previously used to enjoy a more luxurious style of traveling have been tempted by the idea of setting forth for a life-affirming trip that very blows away all the cobwebs that have accumulated over the past couple of years.
And now that the world seems to be opening back up again, adventure is on the cards. In this blog, we’re going to run through some of the key requirements that’ll ensure that you have a healthy and fun trip, one that gives you all the adventure that you’ve been hoping for.
The Will
An adventure comes easy when you’re in the middle of it. But there’s much to do before you get to that stage. The most challenging aspect, for most people at least, is getting started.
When we’re in the middle of a status quo existence, it can be difficult to get up off the couch and will an adventure into existence. But as with most things in life, the first step is usually the most challenging. Once you’ve done that, you’ll find that everything else falls into place. But you need to take that first step.
The Right Destination
It’s a big old world out there. Where do you want to go? When you’re thinking of an adventure, it’s important to think of how adventure-friendly the destination you’re thinking of is.
There are some corners of the world that seem to have adventure running through its veins; others, not so much. As well as where you’re going, think of when you’re going. A single destination can produce very different experiences, depending on the time of year that you’re visiting.
In most cases, you’ll find that spring and summer offer the most opportunities for fun.
Solo Or With Others?
Most of us go on vacations with friends or family. However, that’s not the only way to travel. And when you’re on an adventure, it may not necessarily be the best one.
It’s worthwhile thinking about going by yourself, especially if you’ve never had that type of trip before. This can often require a little bit more courage than if you’re going with others, but in nearly all instances, you’ll find that you’re handsomely rewarded for your bravery.
Just make sure that the place you’re planning to visit is safe for traveling alone. If you do decide to go with others, make sure that they’re on the same wavelength as you. It won’t be much fun if you want to sleep in the wild every night, while they’re more eager to stay in luxury hotels.
Some Research
A big part of going on an adventure is not having a plan. You want to be able to go wherever the wind takes you. It’s all about freedom, after all!
However, that doesn’t mean that you should be walking into your adventure completely blind, without any idea of what the destination holds. There are some types of adventure when that is encouraged, but in most cases, it’s not recommended.
Instead, it’ll be better to conduct some research so you know what you’re getting yourself in for. You’ll still have a lot of freedom to do as you please, but by having some knowledge of local customs, weather, potential issues, things to see, and so forth, you’ll be in a better position to enjoy all that the adventure brings your way.
Basic Supplies
The type of things you need to take with you will depend on where you’re going and the type of adventure you’re having. There may be some specialist equipment that you need (for example, if you’re going into a snowy, mountainous area).
There are also basic supplies that probably everyone will need. For instance, comfortable shoes! There are plenty of times when we want or need to look our best. An adventure is not one of them, so ditch the stylish footwear and go for something that’s comfortable (but it’ll be a bonus if those comfortable shoes are also stylish!).
Traveling Light
And whatever you decide to take, make sure that it’s not too much. It’s tempting to look at taking more than you need. After all, you never know what you’re going to need when you’re on an adventure! But it’s best not to try to take some clothing for every eventuality.
For one thing, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll have such a range of experiences that you need your entire wardrobe. And second, of all the gifts that you can give yourself, traveling light is probably the best one.
If you take a big bag, then you’ll only regret it -- or even end up giving away your items. Also, in terms of luggage, get something you can carry on your back. It makes journeying so much easier.
Taking care of the essentials also means, well, taking care of the essentials of life. You can’t function if you’re not eating and sleeping well! So while you can leave most things up to chance, think a little about what you’re going to eat and where you’re going to sleep.
You could choose to spend every night in a tent, but for that, you’ll need a tent and an idea of where campsites are located. Or you could stay in hotels -- but is that something that you can organize when you’re there, or will you need to book it in advance?
Planning doesn’t undo the adventure part of your trip—quite the opposite. Once the essentials have been taken care of, you’ll be able to focus on nothing more than having fun.
Protection From The Elements
You’ll be spending more time outside than you usually would. And that means that you’ll be more exposed to the elements than you usually would, too. Unless you’re prepared to combat those elements, you could quickly run into problems.
Even a little bit of rain/sun can cause issues if you’re outside for long enough. For the sun, it’s all about sunscreen and coverage -- if you plan to do a lot of hiking, then it’s essential that you have high factor sunscreen and a shemagh, like the ones available at
For the rain, a good raincoat or poncho will mean that you can enjoy your adventure no matter how much rainfall there is.
Striking a Balance
We think of adventure as the act of moving forward. We think of it as exploring. Yet, while that might be the overall picture of an adventure, that doesn’t mean that the whole thing should be about moving.
If you do that, then you’ll be returning home pretty soon -- your body won’t hold out for days and days if you’re not getting adequate rest! Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. If you’ve been built up to the trip, then you’ll be able to go longer than someone who has just dove into a full-speed from a cold starting point.
But in general, it’s best to focus on striking a balance between action and rest. But this doesn’t mean that you have to sit in a hotel room or whatever. It just means that if there’s the opportunity to sit on a beach for the day when you’re tired, then you should take it!
A Sense of Adventure!
And finally…don’t forget to pack a sense of adventure! That’s the spirit that will ensure you return home from your trip with plenty of stories to tell. For the majority of our lives, we’re doing things on autopilot.
Our days can be pleasant, but they’re often predictable. Packing a bag and setting forth on an adventure provides an opportunity to live a different type of life for a while. You never know what life will throw at you when you run towards it with open arms. But there’s every chance that you’ll be happily rewarded.
The world is but an endless stream of possibility, and you’re about to dip your toe into the water.
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