This blog post is part of a paid Megan Media and Dove blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.
As I watched Fashion Blogger Jessica Torres' video for the Dove #MyBeautyMySay campaign, I felt a connection to her, not because of her struggles to find her place in the fashion blogging industry, but because of her desire to feel comfortable in her own skin and be accepted for who she is.
I grew up with a problem that many young girls face: I was self conscious about my appearance. I can't place my finger on what kicked my low esteem into motion, or pick out any single defining moment that made me think, "I'm not pretty enough." But that thought was always there, in the back of my mind, mostly as a whisper, but sometimes as a scream.
A lack of self confidence can shape a young woman's entire world, trickling down into every aspect of her life. I thought I was too short, my breasts were too small, my butt was too big, my lips were too small, my hair was too brown. Yes, that was a real concern to my 16 year-old self: brown hair.
In her video, Jessica Torres drives home that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and styles, and I can relate to that. I do relate to that.
For a long time, I felt like there was something lacking in my appearance, that I wasn't quite good enough...for anything. For the handsome guy that caught my eye, to hang out with the pretty girls in school, to go dancing at the trendiest clubs. Once I entered the blogging world, I was always behind the camera. I shared my experiences, what I was doing, but never ME. Well, very rarely me.
When I went on press trips and took group photos, I hated sharing them. I didn't want to be seen. I always said that it was because I wanted to share the experience, and not make my brand about ME, and that was partially true. But I also didn't want to put my face out there and be judged against my beautiful peers.
Low self esteem...Yeah, old habits die hard.
Then something happened that changed the way I saw the entire world. I got a divorce. My ex-husband's reason for leaving me was fairly basic and simple, and utterly devastating: he didn't find me attractive or love me anymore. So there I was, a woman with this voice quietly telling her for her entire life that she wasn't pretty enough, and then the man she loved told her the same thing. It's a dark day when someone confirms your worst fear about yourself.
During the early stages of my divorce, I went a little crazy with dieting, buying new clothes and trying all sorts of cosmetic enhancements, and while it did help me feel better about my appearance, it had ZERO effect on my life as a whole. I didn't feel any differently inside. I didn't feel any more confident than I did before.
Then something magical happened. I STOPPED CARING. So what if I'm short? So what if I'm getting wrinkles? So what if I now have to dye my hair to cover up the grays? SO WHAT. If losing 20 pounds, buying a new wardrobe and saying goodbye to my wrinkles didn't change the way I felt, clearly the problem wasn't the way I looked, it was the way I FELT about myself.
This is who I am, who I've always been and who I will always will be. Yeah, I have a big butt and my thighs jiggle. I DON'T CARE. I am awesome.
A new friend in the fashion blogging world gave me some advice while we traveled together on a trip last year: show your face. She told me that my fans would identify with me more if I made personal appearances in my social media, that people like to see the face of the person they're following. This was an entirely new world for me...and I was nervous to step in front of the camera and reveal ME.
But then I remembered: "I don’t care!"
I started taking selfies and posting them every so often on Instagram. I posted photos that weren't flattering, that showed my cellulite and my wrinkles.
So I'll tell you a secret. When you stop caring about being “pretty enough,” you start to realize that YOU ARE pretty enough. You realize that you are beautiful, that you are good enough, that other people’s judgments are empty, and nothing--not divorce, not the camera, not even brown hair--can bring you down!
The Dove film, #MyBeautyMySay, profiles nine women who have overcome their beauty limits. Instead of allowing their appearances to be used against them, they're celebrating their beauty. As all women know, judgement of our appearance can have a big effect on our lives and our self esteem, even if it's not intentional.
I don't often write about truly personal topics, because that's not what I am trying to accomplish on my blog. I want to inspire people to have fun...but this Dove #MyBeautyMySay campaign ultimately has the same goal. They want to inspire and empower women to rise above the standards of beauty that have been used against them.
I don't know about you, but I think we will all have a lot more fun when we stop caring about society’s “beauty norms.” And rebelling against the norm? That's kind of my thing.
This blog post is part of a paid Megan Media and Dove blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.
Tamie says
You are beautiful inside and out.
Heather says
I have battled many of the same thoughts for different reasons. Girls are mean especially in high school. I used to think I would grow up and come out on one of those "talk shows" and say look at me now. The older I got I cared less about what those high school girls thought but I still cared about what everyone else thought about me. I realized I was putting great pressure on myself because everyone wanted me to look a different way. I could NEVER please everyone. I only want to please one person my God. Great thing is He created me so that's not hard as far as looks go. He thinks I am beautiful. But sometimes it creeps up again. I just have to remember I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I have always thought you are beautiful. You have always been kind, loving and full of life. You have a great smile and beautiful eyes. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. God made you gorgeous and I am so thankful you know it. People are cruel and try to pull other people down when they feel horrible inside. Never let people do that to you again! Love ya and thank-you for sharing.
Jenn says
Thanks mom 🙂
Jenn says
Aw thank you, Heather! I love you too. And you're BEAUTIFUL <3 You always have been!!
Ellen Christian says
I think you look fantastic! It can be a challenge for many women to love their bodies the way they are. I love this campaign!
Jodi @ A Mom Having Fun says
Oh my goodness, Jenn! I've always thought you were absolutely adorable. You're ex-husband was clearly blind, but more than likely hurting you where he knew it would hurt the most. I too have suffered from extremely low self-esteem. Unfortunately, I can pinpoint the events that lowered my self-esteem and self-confidence. It is a struggle I still battle. The self-esteem is getting better, but the self-confidence still needs a lot of work.
Brandy says
I agree, it's so important to just be happy and feel beauty within our own self. Forget what society has molded us to think about beauty and be happy with yourself!
Allie D. says
I think you look amazing! I grew up thinking very similar things about not being pretty enough or even good enough. It wasn't until I started becoming more confident in myself that I started feeling better. Even my husband told me that my confidence is one of the traits that attracted him to me. I love Dove's campaign.
Jennifer says
It's so freeing when you finally reach that point in your life where you realize that all that matters is how you feel. If you feel good, you're good. Looks are only skin deep. Literally. It's not what makes us who we are.