Getting out of a relationship is hard- whether it was your decision or theirs, and even if you know it was truly for the best. However, it’s something that most of us go through at one time or another, and if you go about things in the right way it can actually be a fantastic learning experience.
Sure it hurts, but it forces us to face up to some home truths about ourselves that we might have been oblivious too.
And knowing our faults can help us to work on them so we can be more successful in future relationships and in life in general.
A breakup can be a time to focus on ourselves too, here are a few Productive Ways to Get Over a Difficult Breakup.
Moving house is always a fresh start. If you shared a home with your partner, even if you get the opportunity to stay there because they’re moving- it’s so worth you moving as well.
It can be painful staying in a home that’s full of memories, every piece of furniture, item of decor and travel souvenir probably holds a story of when the pair of you bought it. Make a clean break, move to a home that’s just yours.
Even if it’s just a small apartment or a stop gap, it gives you chance to rebuild and heal in a neutral environment. If you move to be closer to family and friends, you have them around for support when you need it too.
But getting out of the home you shared and starting fresh on your own is one of the very best things you can do when a relationship comes to an end.
Travel is a great way to take your mind off what’s going on at home, it’s fun and exciting and it gives you something else to focus on. By the time you return home, chances are you’ll be seeing things in a different light and be ready to start making the positive changes you need to be happier alone.
Maybe there’s somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit but your partner held you back, or perhaps you just want to heal in a place with no memories or emotions attached.
Being able to see some beautiful scenery, do fun things, eat nice meals and generally let your hair down could be just what the doctor ordered after going through a difficult time.
Productive Ways to Get Over a Difficult Breakup
Change your look
Changing your look can be a really powerful way to move on after a breakup. By changing your appearance, you’re essentially saying goodbye to this old version of you, and stepping into the next.
We all know how a new haircut, color or outfit can make us feel strong and confident, so use this to your advantage. Have extensions fitted if your hair is short, or consider cutting it if it’s long.
Try a new color, wear your makeup in a new way- have fun with it!
This can be particularly empowering if you’ve got out of a relationship where you couldn’t express yourself fully or felt as though you couldn’t change your look, this is all about you now!
When you’re doing so, it could also be worth looking into doing up your smile, especially if you haven’t taken care of it for a while. Comprehensive dentistry can be a recommended option, as it’ll completely transform your smile.
The impact that’ll have on your confidence will be more than worth it.
Build new skills
Why not use this time to work on yourself, building your skills can help you to regain confidence, you could meet new people and even improve your job prospects.
You could go for a really academic course like an online law degree, or you could join a local art or craft group, try baking, blogging or anything that grabs your interest. Having something to pour your energy into can give you a new lease of life.
Productive Ways to Get Over a Difficult Breakup
Take time to grieve
With all of the above being said and done, it’s important not to overlook this. Sure, fill your days with productive and fun things to do which will help you to feel better, but remember that sometimes it’s ok not to be ok.
Some days you might not feel like doing anything other than hiding under the covers. In the very beginning when it’s still raw, cry it out.
Allow yourself to grieve for the loss of the relationship, it hurts a lot at first but remember- things do get better.
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