National Puppy Day just ended a few weeks ago, and it was a celebration of all things puppy! Many people bought brand new four-legged friends on National Puppy day and are incredibly happy with their new BFFs, so here are ways to Make Sure You Are Ready for a New Puppy.
In most cases, people and their pups are going to have long lives together. Some people, though, did not know what they were getting themselves into. For them, a new puppy might be more than they expected.
Here are a few tips to make sure you are ready for a new puppy, because adopting a new buddy does not have to end just because National Puppy Day is over.
Make Sure You Are Ready for a New Puppy
The Puppy of your Dreams
"Adopt Instead of Shop" is a good mantra to follow when looking for a new puppy. That's why your local shelter should be the first place to visit on your list. They have some of the cutest pups imaginable, all waiting for a good forever home, and virtually all of them have been rescued in one way or another.
Finding the puppy of your dreams may be more complicated than a trip to the animal shelter. If you are looking for a certain breed, temperament or AKC registration, one of the best places to find a beautiful and adorable little pup is at Florida Puppies Online.
Your Veterinarian
Do you have a vet? If not, now is the time to research and find one in your area. The shelter is a good place to begin, but friends with dogs are even better sources for a reputable, friendly veterinarian. They can give you an idea of what type of "bedside" manner the doctor has, the costs for typical visits, and the clinic handled well visits, sick animals, and emergencies. This is why it's also important to compare pet insurance providers to ensure you are covered for potentially large vet bills if your new puppy or dog becomes seriously unwell.
Room to Roam
Another consideration is a dog's need for space. Sure, a smaller apartment might be a good choice now for a puppy, but in a year, will your now teenage pooch have enough room?
Larger dogs need larger spaces, and a larger dog breed is not going to be happy in a one-bedroom apartment that has furniture, tables, appliances and barely enough space for the dog to move around.
From the beginning, your puppy will need a lot of exercise. As the dog grows older, you will need to find places to walk and run your best friend. You must be ready for this constant need for movement. It is inhumane to leave a dog tied out on a lead all day, or cooped up in a dog house in the back yard. Just like people, dogs need daily exercise to be healthy and happy. If you cannot commit to getting a puppy the daily exercise it needs, then a better pet for you may be a hamster, a reptile, or a fish.
Can We Talk Money?
Vet visits, shots, worming, grooming, are just a few of the expenses you'll have. In truth, a puppy is likely to run you around $3000 dollars per year. One way to think of this: if you cannot afford around $300 a month extra in expenses for your dog, then you cannot afford a puppy.
Open Your Heart
If you are able to arrange a good veterinarian, room for your dog, regular exercise, and all the expenses, then open your home and your heart. Bring home a priceless little four-legged bundle of puppy joy! Do be aware that puppies can struggle in the first few weeks of being in your home. This is nothing to do with what you are doing or not doing with them, they just miss their family.
Make sure you keep an eye on your new pup while they are adjusting. You will need to get to know their routine, this includes when they sleep and when they eat. When your puppy is sleeping you may worry that their breathing is too fast. A puppy breathing fast while sleeping is more normal than you think so often it is nothing to worry about.
Tamie says
Great tips, and adorable puppy!!