You know why you wanted a dog, but have you ever wondered what your dog needs from you?
If you are thinking of getting a dog and you are not sure of their needs, or if you already have a dog and are wondering whether he or she is missing something, then this helpful guide is going to be perfect for you.
You will find some of the things you read here pretty obvious, but if you pick up one tip you had not thought of before, it could improve your pet’s life tremendously.
So, what is up with dogs, and what is that they really need?
What Your Dog Needs From You
Dogs Need Good Medical Care - and You need the Money to Pay For It
Some of your dog’s needs will be pretty routine and easy to plan for, but a sick dog can cost you a fortune in veterinary bills. I don't know about you, but I don't own a dog ultrasound machine, so I need to take my fur babies to the vet when I think there may be something wrong. Those vet bills can be VERY pricey! If you aren’t sure that you’ll be able to cope with that, review cheap pet insurance packages.
Having a pet insurance policy could help to cut down your stress if the worst happens and your dog has a medical emergency of some kind. Of course, you love your dog, and of course you are willing to pay for his medical costs, but having some help will be a weight off your mind.
Dogs Need Lots of Positive Attention and Company
You should never leave a dog all on his or her own for long stretches of time. Six to eight hours without company will already be a strain for the average family pet. If you need to be away for longer, and there are no family members to fall back on, get a pet sitter or take your dog to a pet day care center.
When you are at home, there will be times when your pet is perfectly happy to sit with you doing absolutely nothing, but at other times, he or she will want to play, or will seek out love and attention.
Having a dog is honestly a lot like caring for your regular human kids. They need these things, and so do dogs!
Training for Your Dog’s Safety and a Better Relationship
Most dogs are very eager to please, but they don’t always know what you want them to do or avoid doing. A bit of training means that your dog is better able to work with you, following simple commands and behaving within your boundaries.
For example, a loving dog may be so excited to see you that he jumps up and knocks you over or scratches you. Teach him to express his love in other ways!
Training also keeps your dog safe. You can call him off if you see that he is headed into danger, and he is less likely to get into fights with other dogs if socialization training forms part of his upbringing.
Your dog Requires Good Food, Water and Comfortable Shelter
Even in the mildest climates, dogs will need a place where they can shelter. In harsher climates, having a place where they can keep warm could be a matter of life or death.
No matter what the climate, access to fresh drinking water is an essential. Remember to check that water dish and keep it topped up.
When it comes to food, don’t allow your dog to become one of the many obese pets who are subject to extra health risks. Choose a good, complete dog feeding program that includes lots of protein and all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Weigh out the food according to instructions and keep your dog to set mealtimes. Never give them table scraps. Choose healthy treats that were specially made for dogs instead.
Your Dog Needs Exercise and Fun
Exercise and a bit of fun are not just luxuries. They are absolute necessities. Walk your dog once a day, and preferably twice.
Spend time playing with your pet and join in the fun. If you include some obedience games like playing fetch, be sure to give him lots of praise every time he makes a successful catch, and every time he returns to you with his toy.
With all the basic ingredients of a healthy canine lifestyle, plus some fun and games and lots of affection, your dog is sure to credit you with being the very best pet parent ever. Enjoy it. You deserve it!
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