A wide spectrum of factors affect everyone’s self-esteem. In fact, it’s quite natural to have waves of pessimism over one’s self worth. While some of these downturns are frivolous in nature and hence do not need to be lingered on, some are more serious and are connected to a particular cause. And of course one of the most common of those causes stems from one’s inevitable ageing. As people grow older their self esteem goes down. But why is that, one might ask? The answer is pretty simple -- it’s almost always the looks that make people become stressed -- if not depressed. The once perfect youthful looks are now far from perfect. But to be honest, we would be fully guilty if we didn’t state a simple truth: science has been working hard for decades to solve at least some of the aforementioned issues. So why not make full use of these scientific breakthroughs?
Skin discoloration? Redness and acne scarring? Worry no more because a quick and easy treatment can reduce all that if not completely diminish them in just a few clinic visits. You may have heard of it from somewhere so I am here to add to that information and correct some misconceptions. Interested? You should be. Just ‘coz everybody is raving about the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment. What is IPL? It uses short bursts of high-intensity light energy to penetrate the skin. This process essentially destroys the melanin which as we know is responsible for dark spots or skin pigmentation. The light energy also stimulates collagen production that will gradually and effectively improve the texture of the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. When will I see the results and how long will the results last? But just how fast is fast? It’s not magic but it sure seems like one. Only about 5-6 sessions are recommended for best results but in just about three sessions, significant changes are already visible. Is there any pre-treatment care/aftercare that’s needed? Another important question to ask the doctor is about the pre-treatment care. Any tanning procedures must be avoided at least a week prior. Usage of retinoic acid, Accutane, or doxycycline must also be avoided. Collagen injections and waxing must be refrained for at least several weeks before the treatment.
What’s also important to note is that the choice of a clinic is key. You need to conduct some really thoroughgoing research to choose the right place. After all, it’s instrumental to get your Sculptra butt lift at an accredited clinic that employs highly-skilled, qualified doctors. Suppose you are a New York City resident looking into changing the shape of your backside. What do you do? It will probably be a wise thing to use any search engine (Google, for example), and type in ‘sculptra butt lift’. Then look at the list of clinics that provide this treatment and check out the reviews for each and every one of these places. You’ll end up noticing that a few clinics such as MiracleFace MedSpa are adored by their customers for the quality of the treatments that they provide.
So we are here to guide you through some of the key ins and outs of Sculptra. We hope the answers to the questions below will help you finalize your decision as to whether Sculptra butt lift is appropriate for you.
- What is Sculptra butt lift
- When will I see the results and how long will the results last
- Is there any aftercare that’s needed
- Is it safe
- How much does it cost
So let’s get started!
- What is Sculptra butt lift
As we’ve explained it earlier it’s not just age but also other factors such as genetics, poor dieting choice, etc. that define the shape of a person’s butt. On top of this, as we become older, our bodies don’t produce as much collagen as before and the consequence of this is wrinkles, loss of volume and sagging.
By the same token, we can claim with ease and confidence that if the aforementioned collagen is somehow stimulated to be restored in one’s body, your butt will look voluminous as well as lifted overall.
This is what this butt injection -- Sculptra -- is aiming to accomplish. The substance that it injects is called poly-l-lactic acid. When injected into one’s buttocks, the collagen is stimulated and that leads to the change in your butt’s appearance: it becomes more rounded and looks fuller overall.
- When will I see the results and how long will the results last
One thing you need to keep in mind is that it does take a while for the results to be seen. In other words, unlike some other beauty treatments, Scultra’s results cannot be seen instantaneously. As a rule of thumb, it takes anywhere from two to six months for one to see the change in the appearance of their buttocks.
If the length of time for the results to be visible has disappointed you, we have some great news. The results will stay around for two to four years! Just think about it -- many other popular beauty-related treatments yield results right away; however, the results stay around for a few months max. It’s not the case with Sculptra -- your butt will look lifted and voluminous for a few years to come.
- Is it safe
It is generally safe with only a few patients reporting some minor side effect. But overall think about this: Sculptra is a non-invasive (read: non-surgical) treatment so naturally the risks are pretty low,
- Is there any aftercare that’s needed
Of course, your doctor will outline the things you should as well as shouldn’t do pursuant to the receipt of the treatment. However, generally speaking you can safely go back to your everyday errands as Sculptra is not a surgery or anything serious alike.
We can note, though, that in general your doctor will ask you to stop doing physical exercise for a while to prevent bruising. There is some danger of the latter owing to the fact that there is extra blood flow in the area. Doctors also recommend following the 5-5-5 rule. This one requires you to massage the area that was treated in the following manner:
- 5 minutes of massaging
- 5 times a day
- 5 days in total
- How much does it cost
The final price will depend on a number of factors. For example, it's gonna depend on how many injections you’ll need. It’s safe to assume, though, that overall the cost
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