A concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury. It can occur from a blow or a jolt to your head. This sudden movement creates chemical changes in your brain, which can cause symptoms like dizziness, nausea and amnesia. If you have memory problems after experiencing a concussion, there are fortunately several methods you can employ to help improve your memory.
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Keep a Record and Stay Consistent
Having severe memory loss after a concussion is rare, but it can occur. More commonly, concussion patients have trouble remembering small things, such as what they intend to buy at a supermarket or what somebody has just said. It is therefore helpful to keep a record of such things. Keep a notebook and a calendar to record important tasks and events that you need to remember. It is also essential to prioritize your tasks. Use your journal to list activities and events in order of importance, and tick them off as you complete them. That will allow you to live a reasonably regular life while your memory improves over time. You can help to improve your memory by maintaining a consistent routine. Keep your keys in the same spot, park in the same area each day and do household chores at the same time each day. The more you stay consistent and record things you need to remember, the more your memory can get better over time.
he background. Other things to avoid include stimulants like caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Such stimulants can increase sleeping problems, blood pressure levels and anxiety; all of which lead to more stress. In turn, that stress can make it more difficult for you to overcome your memory problems.
What to Avoid
To help improve your memory after a concussion, you need to focus extra-hard on things that are said. When having conversations or being given instructions, ensure you pay close attention. To do that, you need to avoid distractions. It can be challenging to focus on what someone is saying if there is another conversation happening nearby, or if there is loud music playing in the background. Other things to avoid include stimulants like caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Such stimulants can increase sleeping problems, blood pressure levels and anxiety; all of which lead to more stress. In turn, that stress can make it more difficult for you to overcome your memory problems.
Other Ways of Improving Your Memory After a Concussion
By implementing small but essential changes in your daily life, you can help to improve your memory loss gradually. Be aware that tasks will take longer than they used to. Getting stressed about such things will do more harm than good. Instead, consciously take more time to complete your tasks and break them down into smaller elements. Other great ways of improving your memory include:
- Staying Mentally Active. Doing puzzles, playing card games and using apps that exercise your brain are all great ways of keeping your mind active. The more you exercise your brain, the better your memory can become.
- Staying Physically Active. By regularly working out, you can help to prevent fatigue and improve your concentration. That can lead to bettering your memory. However, it is advisable to return to physical exercise gradually after experiencing a concussion.
- Eating Healthily. You can keep your brain and body healthy by eating high-quality foods like fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts and pulses. That can help to improve your memory over time.
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