If you're trying to find some extra sources of funding for a new financial goal, there are few things more effective at helping you reaching your targets faster than selling things. Countless people around the world have been able to pay for new cars, gaming consoles, and numerous other items quicker because they've sold their old belongings or their crafty creations.
If you're neither an artistic person nor someone with plenty of cash in your attic available in the form of items you can sell online, then you might be wondering what you can do to make money. Fortunately, there are a few unusual things you can sell that you might not have considered.
6 Unusual Things You Can Sell for Extra Cash
Your Body
Not the illegal way… Instead, think about selling your hair to a company that can use it for wigs, or your plasma to people who can use it for clinical trials and testing. There are various ways to make cash on the parts of your body that you're not using - or at least the parts that you can grow back. Just don't go looking for ways to sell your kidneys on the black market.
Companies around the globe are more than willing to pay consumers for their insights into products, services, and new ideas. If you're an opinionated person and you don't mind sharing those opinions with others, look for focus groups in your area. You can also earn a little extra pocket money just by filling in surveys or writing reviews online.
Life Insurance
Selling a life insurance policy is a great option for anyone who can no longer afford their current insurance, or someone who doesn't need the policy anymore. In fact, you can make more money on selling your life insurance policy than you would get if you simply stopped making your monthly payments or decided to cash it in straight away. Just make sure you find the right company to help you.
If you've got a spare room in your house, or even a guest house that you're not using, you can make a lot of extra money just by renting a room out to travelers. There are plenty of websites like Homestay and Airbnb that can help with this. Just make sure you're comfortable taking the risk of having someone else staying in your home.
There are plenty of things that you can rent out for some extra cash these days - but this might be one of the strangest. Sites like RentAfriend.com allow you to rent your companionship to lonely people for a day, or a couple of hours. The experience is great, and the outings are platonic, so you don't have to worry about seedy situations.
Finally, if you went through years of training to get the education that you have today, then it makes sense to put that knowledge to use. As a tutor or mentor, you can get a little money back for all the hard work you've put in over the years. There are plenty of local colleges or schools where you can find tutoring gigs, or you can look for opportunities online.
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