I felt the magic of swiss herbs in Ricola Herb & Throat drops as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars. #swissherbs
It's official, the holidays are behind us and it's time to get back to work. Sometimes I consider calling in when I'm well, rather than sick - a la Ferris Bueller - to give myself a deserved break. When you call in due to illness, it's no fun. I remember the sick days of old; days I spent in bed, resting, hydrating and dreading going back to work and tackling all of the things that piled up while I was out of the office. Every once in a while, I would call in sick when I wasn't really sick because I didn't want to waste all of my sick days. Now that I work from home, a real sick day is non-existent because I can bring my laptop or tablet into bed with me and work through the sniffles. However, I really miss those "Call In Well" days!
December was an incredibly busy month, and if you're a regular reader, you'll recall that I spent the last few weeks bouncing around from Costa Rica to Los Angeles to New Mexico. Some of that travel was with friends, some was for work, and some for family, and while it was a fantastic month, it left me feeling a bit under the weather. I keep Ricola® throat drops close at hand, no matter where I go, so that I can knock out those pesky symptoms during the cold and flu season. Between lack of sleep, eating not-so-healthy foods, breathing in a ton of recycled, germ-filled air during flights and just generally being exhausted, I was so thankful for my Ricola Herb Drops and Emergen-C packets! I was carrying around the Ricola Extra Strength Cough Suppressant Drops due to a scratchy throat that just wouldn't go away, and they came in handy when Angeline started getting sick in New Mexico! I have even started keeping them at my desk! I love that they're individually wrapped so that I can throw a few in my purse, the car and send along in Angeline's backpack for school too!
Ricola Extra Strength Cough Suppressant Drops are made with carefully-selected natural Swiss herbs including Chrueterchraft. I've shared in recent posts the herbs that make up Ricola's Magic 10 Herbs - such as peppermint and wild thyme - and how each helps to restore and boost your immune system, while soothing sore throats and nasal passages. These herbs are cultivated from over 100 farms contracted throughout Switzerland.
Fun fact: The first Ricola herb drop was born in a bakery!
I keep a variety of Ricola herb drops in my purse and travel bag, a few in the car, and some in my nightstand so they are readily available whenever we need them. It's always best to be prepared! Pop a Ricola herb drop in your mouth as soon as you start feeling icky so that you can go about your day.
As the cold and flu season hits its peak this month, Ricola®, the leading manufacturer of soothing herb cough drops from Switzerland, is encouraging consumers to trade in their sick days for well days by inviting them to "Call in Well." Now through February 28, 2015, consumers can call 1-855-4-WELLDAY or text RICOLA (22122) to share what fun thing they'd do if they took a "well day" off. Tell Ricola how you would spend a free day off of work and you could win a trip to Switzerland! You can find out more here.
5 FUN Things to Do When You CALL IN WELL
Go play in the snow. Throw on your gloves and jacket and build a snowman, have a snowball fight - do something FUN and get your blood pumping!
Of course, this only applies if you happen to live somewhere that actually has snow. The point is, go outside! When you're feeling well, you shouldn't waste away the day indoors. If you live near the beach, go for a swim or simply relax on a lounge chair and soak up the rays (after applying sunblock, of course).
Take a Hike. Go for a walk, take a hike, explore a new nature trail.
Put your feet up and RELAX. Most of us spend so much time trying to do it all that our days are non-stop.
On your CALL IN WELL day, sit down and take a moment to relax. Enjoy not having to be anywhere or do anything - just sit and do nothing.
Read a book. I love to read but my love of reading falls second and third to everything else in my life. The only time I ever make time to read is on flights without WiFi. I spent an entire day last week laying on the couch reading a new novel by one of my favorite authors. I forgot how fulfilling it is to just sit and read the written word.
Make a lunch date! Whether it's sneaking away to meet up with your spouse during the work day or getting the girls together for lunch, take advantage of your well day and treat it like a weekend!
What would you do with your "Call in Well" day? Don't forget to take advantage of the Call in Well promotion with Ricola and call or text them with your idea: 1-855-4-WELLDAY or text RICOLA (22122).
You can learn more about the Ricola line of herb drop here!
Jennifer says
I really like relax as an option. If I'm staying out of work, I want to just kick back.
Dawn says
I work from home, so when I call myself off, I like to get out and get some sun. A hike sounds wonderful, just not right now. BRRRRR.
Melissa Pezza says
When the kids and I are home at the same time, I love to go out and play with them. It's such a great way to stay active and get some bonding time in.
Robin Masshole Mommy says
We love to get out there and go hiking when there's no snow. When we have snow, it's sledding!
Kathy says
I would probably kick back and relax. Enjoy a great book or a movie. It's hard when the kids are home but once they're in bed I usually kick back and relax as well. I actually work at home, so I try to relax when I can.
Amber Edwards says
Seriously I always keep a supply of Ricola Herb Drops in our house. They are the only ones that work when I'm getting that tickle in my throat that a cold is coming on.
And yes, when I'm feeling well to Call Out Well, I often can be found reading a book. I giggled when I was your kindle..it's EXACTLY like mine. 🙂 Mine rarely leaves my side though. I take it everywhere so I always have something to read should the opportunity present itself.
Kelly Hutchinson says
First of all, I had not idea that the first Ricola herb drop was born in a bakery. Too cool. I would love to have a day when I could read a book. Heaven!
Chelley @ AisForAdelaide says
I would love to sit in the bath tub (without bath crayons on the wall) and read... Until that time- I will keep my supply of Ricola up! I love those drops for the cold winter air!
Colleen says
I think calling out well is so much better than calling out sick LOL!
lisa says
I really like the idea of calling in "well". Everyone needs a mental health day.
Shasta Walton says
I love doing all of these things! My favorite and least often accomplished task on this list would be relaxing and reading. I do however make it a point to plan weekly lunch dates!
tammileetips says
Love the idea of calling out well. What a great list of things to do I would have to add no technology to the list as well!
Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says
This sounds like fun! I am all for kicking up and relaxing with a good book.
Ann Bacciaglia says
I love Ricola Herb Drops. I always have a supply on hand for when i get sick. These are all great ways to have fun in the winter.
Emily says
These certainly are some fun ways to spend a day. I'd love to curl up with a good book for a day!
Gabriel Bregg says
I love the idea of taking a time out to just read and sit in the quiet. Working from home with our 3 little ones, plus the bonus babies we watch make quiet a precious commodity around our house.
Tiffany (A Mom's Take) says
Those are really fun things to do, wish I could do them. I'm so tired of this cold weather. I need a vacation.
candice says
call out well. what a great idea. now, i just need someone to watch my three kids LOL
Billie says
My call in well day would probably be exactly the same as any other day, lame!