Everybody wants a perfect relationship, so here are 10 Life Hacks To Make Relationships Perfect. We all want one where the guy is super sweet, never forgets anything, is always home on time, knows how to cook, is very wealthy, and fulfills all the girl's needs. The guy expects the girl to be respectful, obedient, loyal, and to possess all other great attributes.
But these qualities don't make a relationship great. Both partners in a relationship are two imperfect beings. There are no laid down rules to a perfect relationship but there are some steps you can follow to make yourself a better person.
These tips will further help you build and maintain a great relationship. It can be perfect when you both respect each other, support each other and understand each other. If you want to know how to better a relationship that you are already in, or how to work on a relationship you are having issues with, then you should keep reading this guide.
Steps To Having A Perfect Relationship
You have to respect each other
Respect is a key ingredient for any good relationship. It is easier to be kind, passionate and understanding towards a person when you have respect for them. Moreso, it is unhealthy to disrespect your partner.
You have to respect your partner’s space, their individuality and their interests. It is also recommended to not compare them to anybody, not even your ex. It’s one of the highest forms of disrespect.
Don’t be controlling
There is no need to try to stamp your superiority on your relationship. Thousands of issues can be avoided when you don't try to always have your way. A lot of times, you could step down and walk away from an argument instead of trying to always be right.
You don't always have to be right. It's a relationship, not a competition to see who is smarter.
You can't lord your ideas and opinions over your partner and expect to improve the quality of your relationship.
You have to make compromises
To improve relationships, you can’t be rigid. Flexibility is key if you are going to make your relationship better. Sometimes as humans, we have to make compromises for the ones we love.
In a great relationship, you have to be willing to occasionally bend your rules, unlearn old habits, relearn new dating skills and make a lot of sacrifices.
Build trust
Set aside every bias you have towards relationships. Even if you have had tons of failed ones, it's normal to feel like nothing good can come out of a relationship and no one is judging you for that. But if you don’t want to have a replay of the previous heartbreak, you should learn to trust again. This time, however, you have to trust with your whole heart.
You have to work together as a team
In relationships, you have to be a team if there is going to be any progress. Working together will help you scale obstacles as they come. You cannot do things on your own and expect your partner to be happy or feel fulfilled. Everyone wants to be carried along, and this is especially true in relationships.
Resolve conflicts internally
Do not be the type of person who goes online to rant whenever their partner does something that offends them. You should learn to talk to your partner when you are not happy with them.
This is something you should do politely.
You should know how to express your emotions to your partner without being negative. When you are angry, avoid saying things that could hurt them. There are 2 things you can do when you are mad at your partner:
- Walk away without saying anything, then come back when you are level headed.
- Tell your partner exactly how you feel without being rude or cussing.
Ditch your pride
Pride tells you that you are always right and your partner is always wrong. Pride tells you that you are better than your partner. Pride tells you to place yourself as number one in the relationship.
We think you get the point now, don’t you? Pride is not healthy. Learn to put pride aside and practice humility with your lover.
Be patient with one another
There is nobody that is without flaws, mistakes and shortcomings. Everyone does things that they don't mean to do at times. In essence, there is no perfect being.
Until you start seeing your partner as an imperfect being, you will keep having issues with them. You will keep getting angry at them over the slightest issues. Your partner is not a superhero, so learn to accommodate their excesses.
Be willing to forgive
You are dating a person from an entirely different background. You didn’t grow up under the same influences, so your priorities will be different. Always be prepared to say "I forgive you" and mean it.
You have to let go of offenses and not pile them up because any relationship void of forgiveness won’t last.
Be wary of third parties
Don’t give room for external factors like work, fun, families and friends to control your relationship. When you have issues, the person you should talk to is your partner - no one else!
Telling your friends about issues in your love life doesn’t always help. Instead, it opens you up to ridicule, manipulation, and a lack of trust which eventually leads to more problems. There is the place of telling your friends how you feel but there is a limit to that. Keep intricate details about your relationship with each other.
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