You are the workhorse of the family. You tend to the children, take care of the home, cook meals, and have a full-time job. Unfortunately, with a full plate daily, it doesn’t leave any time for relaxation. Finding a balance between work, family, home, and downtime is essential to sustaining both physical and mental health.
Ways to Relax and Enjoy Life
The Schedule
Creating a household schedule will allow you to stay on track and avoid costly delays. In your busy life, there’s little room for wasted time. Having information in front of you will prevent missed appointments or scrabbles to get to meetings or after school practices. Having a schedule will also afford you downtime. On days when there are no appointments or errands to run, you can fill the time with fun things you enjoy doing. Pencil-in things like a Saturday night at the casino to play casino slot machines or a local concert.
A Brisk Morning Walk
You awake each morning and immediately the list of demands begins. There’s the kid’s breakfast and then getting them ready for school. Instead, set your alarm 10 minutes earlier and enjoy a stress-relieving brisk walk before tackling anything. You’ll return 15 minutes later, alert, energizing, and at peace.
Delegate Duties
No one person can handle everything. You may be very good at multitasking, but at what cost? It’s only a matter of time before you start to resent your loved ones. You shouldn’t have to perform every task in the home. Use the schedule to delegate duties to everyone in your family. Children can take a Saturday morning to clean their room and have the responsibility of hanging up their coats and putting their clothes away. You and your spouse can take turns cooking dinner, doing the laundry, and running errands. Once you learn how to delegate duties, you’ll find that you have more patience and downtime.
Benefits of Meditation
During stressful times when you experience brain overload, having a way to remove thoughts from your mind is helpful. Meditation provides a way to do just that. The good news is that you can meditate virtually anywhere at any time. Yoga can offer similar effects, connecting the mind and body as one to create internal unity.
Take a Spa Day
You have a lot going on in your life. Sometimes, a way to feel good about yourself requires self-pampering. Book a day at the spa and indulge in life's personal pleasures. Get a full-body massage, your hair and nails done, and schedule a facial. When you leave, you’ll feel rejuvenated and well-rested.
Find a Hobby
Many people go through life without having a way of releasing their stress and anxiety. A hobby helps to relax the mind and bring you to a tranquil state. Figure out what it is that you enjoy doing and make it a part of your life.
Disconnect From the World
Technology is wonderful. However, it has a time and place. Many people check their computers, tablets, and cell phones often. When you return home from a busy day at the office, put the electronic devices down. Unless there’s something of real importance, you can check messages once before retiring. Letting go of the outside world for a few hours will allow your mind to calm and you to relax and enjoy your down time.
A Relaxing Bath
If you have difficulty falling asleep due to racing thoughts, try taking a hot bath a half-hour prior to bed. Bring in scented candles with the scents of chamomile or lavender to create a relaxing environment.
You can learn to relax and, as a result, enjoy a better quality of life.
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