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Whether you’ve had an issue with varicose veins for some time or have just begun to suffer, it is always helpful to learn about treatment options that might help when nothing else does. While home treatment methods may help you postpone the need for surgery, no option will be as effective. You can also talk to a specialist in varicose vein surgery to get an expert opinion.
Understanding Different Types of Vein Treatments
Starting with Home Treatments
While you can always opt to get surgery to treat your varicose veins at any time, most people initially respond to the issue by attempting to remedy the situation using home treatments. While home treatments can help, people tend to respond best to one or two options rather than automatically finding relief from any one of them.
Whether or not any particular treatments for veins will work for you will likely depend on your own body, so it is helpful to try out as many options as you can.
Compression Stockings
Compression stocking help relieve the symptoms of varicose veins by improving the circulation in your legs. Doctors usually suggest that you begin by trying out a support hose and gradually move to prescription socks as needed. While this treatment method can be expensive, it can also help to relieve symptoms like pain, itching and swelling considerably.
Regular Exercise
Getting a workout is one of the most effective ways to treat varicose veins at home because it helps get your circulation moving. Since getting regular exercise will also improve your overall health, you’ll get to experience the added bonus of feeling great and looking better.
The best types of exercise to enjoy when you’re looking for relief from the symptoms of varicose veins are low-impact cardio workouts, especially those that allow you to take pressure off your feet like swimming, rowing, yoga and cycling.
Eating Habits and Weight Loss
Changing your dietary habits to include healthier options goes hand-in-hand with exercise as an effective treatment for varicose veins because the combination of these good habits will cause you to lose weight. It can also help enormously to reduce foods from your diet that cause you to retain water, such as salty snacks, and to replace them with foods that are rich in potassiumand fibre.
Elevate Your Legs
Since the uncomfortable or painful symptoms of varicose veins have a lot to do with poor circulation and added pressure on your legs, it can help to temporarily relive these issues by keeping your feet elevated. Any time you are resting or sitting for long stretches, try to find a way to keep your legs elevated to help improve your circulation.
If you’ve tried the home remedies and they have not been effective or you find that your varicose veins have grown more problematic over time, then it is time to opt for surgery. Unlike the other treatments, surgery will almost guarantee relief and will also remedy the unsightly appearance of your legs.
When you feel you’re ready to try surgery, or you just want more information about the available procedures, get in touch with a clinic that offers treatment options for varicose veins.
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