Why are Today’s Top Sexual Health & Wellness Trends for Women so important to know about? The term “wellness” is being used a lot in the 21st century because our lives are drastically different than they used to be – from an evolutionary standpoint. Some scientists say that our biology is designed to troubleshoot and deal with problems like escaping danger and hunting for food, rather than sitting at a desk or driving around in a car.
Because some of our biggest problems come from our inability to be well, wellness of all kinds are at the heart of women’s issues. There are many facets to wellness, but the one we want to explore today is sexual health and wellness. Let’s take a look at some of the top sexual health and wellness trends for women.
Today’s Top Sexual Health & Wellness Trends for Women
One of the biggest trends is to focus on intimacy. Intimacy, after all, is what humans long for. Sex is often an instrument to be used to pursue intimacy, but if can fall short.
Many people use sex toys from sites like theadulttoyshop.com to satisfy their needs and lead more fulfilling sexual lives. However, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution.
A huge trend in women’s sexual health is to emphasize the importance of intimacy. So many people struggle with intimacy issues. Whether trauma is involved, or the person was never taught how to be intimate by their parents, intimacy is a significant component of sexual health and wellness in the 21st century.
Avoiding Sick People
Another trend is sexual health and wellness for women is to avoid spending time with people who aren’t well. Love and sex are complicated. People are attracted to things they don’t understand.
They are drawn to people who are unavailable, people who hurt them, and those they think they can save. Nowadays, both professionals and individuals alike understand why this never works. Avoiding people who aren’t well is, strangely enough, a trend that has emerged to protect ourselves and avoid getting hurt.
Sexual Exploration
A great trend in women’s sexual health is exploration. Stigma surrounding sex has gone down and the double standard between men’s exploration and women’s has been narrowed. There is no reason that women shouldn’t explore their bodies and understand what they want out of a sexual relationship. As part of this exploration, some may seek information on how to stop queefing, for example, which can occur during sex. This is a natural phenomenon, but understanding how to manage it can enhance comfort and confidence during intimate moments. Women can also discover different methods and practices that suit their personal preferences and comfort levels.
This could mean anything. Whether it’s being intimate with more partners, using sex toys, or exploring more with a spouse, sexual exploration can be an agent of sexual health. It is a trend worth keeping around. We are human, after all, and everyone wants to feel good when they have sex.
Along with the above sexual health and wellness trends, there is a push towards setting better, more defined boundaries. Boundaries are incredibly important. If you are unclear about your boundaries, the other person won’t understand them.
On the other hand, if you are very clear about what you want and what you don’t, and the person doesn’t adhere to those boundaries, you should be clear and get away from that person. It is a pattern that you won’t be able to escape by sticking around.
That’s why setting boundaries and adhering to them is a popular trend in women’s sexual health and wellness. Boundaries are helping people navigate relationships.
Family Planning
Finally, family planning is another trend in sexual health and wellness for women. Before, contraception and family planning were not as accepted as they are today.
This is despite the fact that various forms of birth control have been available for decades, centuries for less effective versions.
Currently, family planning is as much a part of wellness and sexual health trends as the others above. With proper family planning, a couple can prevent or prepare for a child. They can have control of their lives and women dictate their own bodies.
Sexual health and wellness for women has changed considerably in the last decade or so. There is a concerted effort to emphasize women’s health and wellness when it comes to sex, intimacy, relationships, and family planning.
In years prior, there wasn’t much of a concern for women’s sexual health and wellness. It was something in the way, something that obstructed men. This was never the truth.
As women’s sexual health and wellness becomes a more significant part of the paradigm, it will go from trends to wider parts of our conversation and understanding. We will cease to talk about women’s sexual health and wellness as a trend and will begin to see these issues as a part of our whole society.
The healthier we are, the better life, love, relationships, and sex are. Luckily, the needle is moving in the right direction.
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