Beginning a nomadic life or planning an extended holiday can take a lot of planning and energy. There are countless things to arrange and prepare for and lose ends to tie up. If you are doing this solo, it is a little easier as you only have yourself to worry about. A nomadic life isn’t for everyone and it’s important to think long and hard if it is something you want to do. Next, it’s important to think of how you are going to do this. What you will need to sustain this lifestyle and how best to go about making these plans and ideas come together. Here I’ve compiled my list of the essential things you need and need to consider before embarking on any kind of nomadic lifestyle.
Starting out Funds
It’s all well and good planning to pack up your things and hit the road without any particular plan. But trust me within a few hours hunger will kick in and you will make your way home very quickly. It’s essential to have some funds saved away and at least a general budget plan for the beginning of your trip. This will ensure that you have at least some time to enjoy the trip and to also plan what your next move will be in regard to maintaining your nomadic life. The savings you will need all depend on your own personal preferences.
Packing the Right Gear
A nomadic lifestyle means living out of a backpack for extended periods of time. So, it’s necessary to pack accordingly and within your means. You don’t want a huge bag for long journeys, it simply isn’t feasible and will lead to more nightmares than solutions. Pack what is essential first, clothing toiletries, electronic equipment. Afterwards use the free space for everything else such as a fanny pack, extra clothing and souvenirs etc. Use the space wisely and it will help your mobility and plans work out a lot easier.
Make a Route
Similar the first point it’s important to have a general idea of the route that you want to begin with. This is so your budget and expectations are within reach. I would recommend choosing cheaper countries in Asia or south America to begin your nomadic life. The cost of living will be minimal, and it might be much easier to find your new-found path while you don’t have huge financial constraints on what you plan to do. These areas also have huge number of nomadic expats who may be able to share their knowledge with you and guide you in your new found nomadic life. Choose somewhere with good Wi-Fi if online work is what you are thinking or areas with schools or volunteer programmes that you can help with.
These are just some of my ideas that can help you with a Nomadic transition there are obviously countless more which can help you on the way. Make the decision that is right for you and enjoy the journey afterwards.
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