I have no eyelashes.
Well, I have some eyelashes, but they're not very thick and there's not very many of them. Mascara is basically my best friend, and I have tested my fair share of "plumping" and "extending" mascaras over the years. I have what many consider to be gorgeous green eyes (people tell me this all the time, I am not making it up!), so I try to play them up as much as possible. I even tried those fiber things that people put on their eyelashes. I just got them all over my face. It wasn't pretty. Then the Amazing Lash Studio in Coral Gables, FL asked me to come in for a complimentary treatment in exchange for sharing my opinion.
This is my normal "daytime" look, with minimal make up and lots of mascara.
I made the appointment and went in, and the entire process took about an hour and 45 minutes. There are four styles to choose from, and since it was my first time, I let my technician pick one out for me based on what she thought would look good on me. She said that the Cute style would fit me best, and really open up my eye. The four styles to choose from are Cute, Natural, Sexy and Gorgeous...I really wanted Gorgeous, but she said it wouldn't look natural on me. Sigh. Story of my life.
This is my before - don't judge me too harshly, you're not allowed to wear makeup when you are having your eyelash extensions applied. I was totally barefaced.
My technician was awesome and chatty and played good music, but I was laying there like...I want to see my new eyelashes RIGHT NOW!! Hurry up!!
She got to work and I had to keep my eyes closed for most of the time she was applying the eyelash extensions - they apply them ONE BY ONE.
I was so bored. This is my first eyes-closed selfie. I don't think I did too bad. Do you see those enormous eyelashes coming out of my face?! They made such a difference!!!
This is my after - still no make up. That's actually one thing I didn't like about getting eyelash extensions; you aren't supposed to wear makeup, wash your face, etc for 24 to 48 hours after they're applied. The adhesive needs time to set and secure those gorgeous lashes in place. I had a date that night with the Army Guy I was seeing at the time and it was a BIG DATE and I started having a panic attack thinking about not wearing make up to our date. It was only our 4th date or so! EEK!
But the eyelash extensions made such a huge difference, I ended up not really needing much makeup. He fawned over me all night, so I assume he thought I looked pretty fabulous. I wore BB cream and a little powder, blush and lipstick. That was it!
Once I was able to wear regular makeup again, I was like HOLY CRAP. Have I always been this beautiful?! I still can't believe what a difference eyelash extensions make. Don't get me wrong, I have never thought I was unattractive...but I felt like a million bucks with those babies on my face! It was selfie-city for a while there. I am usually the girl who rolls her eyes when someone asks me to send them a pic, but I was traveling quite a bit and the guy I was seeing would ask for a pic and I was sending SO MANY PICS.
This after about a week of having the eyelash extensions put on.
Every chance I got, SELFIE SELFIE SELFIE! Oh look, I'm drinking coffee in the parking lot: SELFIE TIME! This was about two and a half weeks after they were applied. You can see that they aren't as full as they first were, but they're still there!
So, these eyelash extensions from Amazing Lash Studio in Coral Gables lasted me about 2-3 weeks. I noticed them starting to fall out after the two week mark, and I still had some left at 3 weeks.
This photos was taken at about 3 weeks. There were still enough to make a difference, but they weren't as lush as when they were first applied.
At that point, you should either get a refill (which I am told takes about 45 minutes), or let them continue to fall out naturally on their own. I chose the second route because my travel schedule was so insane during the summer that I literally did not have one single day to go get a refill.
I miss them. My beautiful eyelashes. le sigh. I need to make an appointment to get a new set once I get back from my holiday travels.
You can find out more about Amazing Lash Studio here - they're not just in Miami! They have locations across the country, and you can even take advantage of specials - I saw a sign for a full first set for $79 while I was there!! You can request appointments online too!
You can also follow @AmazingLash on Twitter and like the Amazing Lash Studio Facebook Page!
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