We would all like to believe that an all-natural skin care routine is all that we need to take care of our skin. And that products made with 100% natural ingredients are better for the skin than anything else. Unfortunately, though, there is simply no factual basis for this belief or indeed scientific legitimacy to the claim.
Despite everything that we are told in the press and glossy magazines, through the internet and adverts for skin care products an all-natural skin care routine isn't always the best choice for your skin, and sometimes alternatives like laser treatment may be necessary.
Read on as we take a deeper look at the issue.
Natural ingredients
First of all, the idea of skin care made from 100% natural ingredients, or better still ingredients that are organic sounds wonderful. They conjure up images of skipping through a field of flowers, butterflies and birds flying around, and everything being kind to the skin. However, some natural ingredients have the potential to be harmful. And whilst there are some natural ingredients that we all know to steer clear of, things like lemon juice can also irritate the skin.
When it comes to choosing skin care products everyone’s skin will react differently to different products. In the same way as an over-the-counter product may work really well for someone you know, it may well irritate your skin. The same applies to natural ingredients. Negative skin reactions that can be caused by some natural ingredients include things like dark spots, acne and even damaged skin barriers. Natural essential oils like mint, witch hazel and tea tree – which are found in quite a lot of products - can irritate the skin. In fact, while both tea tree and witch hazel are often suggested for a number of skin conditions, they will not work for everyone.
Skin type
The type of skin that you have can often play a huge part in what products will work best on your skin. For those who have acne-prone or oily skin neither witch hazel or tea tree are a good option. Skin that is very sensitive will not always react well to natural products, they can often be too strong, and unfortunately, they are not always the miracle cure that they claim to be for fixing skin problems.
Having said that some natural skin care products can and do work wonders on a range of skin care issues. And they certainly have their place in the arsenal of products that you might want to have to hand when it comes to improving the condition of your skin and alleviating some issues.
When are other skin care options necessary?
Natural skin care can, as we have mentioned, can be good for some skin conditions and it can certainly reduce the symptoms of other issues. However, there are times when this alone is not enough.
Acne, for example, is a skin condition that it can be difficult to treat. It can have a significant effect on a person’s confidence levels and lifestyle, making it difficult for them to want to socialize. When this happens, an all-natural skin care routine is not enough to help make big improvements to the look of the skin. Laser skin treatments are however very effective at reducing the scarring that is caused by acne, improving the appearance of the skin and helping improve confidence.
Laser treatment is also a very effective treatment for a number of other skin conditions that an all-natural skin routine is not really effective enough to improve.
Natural skin care has its place in any good skin care routine, but it is important to remember that sometimes professional help is needed.
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