Have you started noticing some wrinkles? Maybe you have noticed gravity taking its toll on you with some sagging skin. Do you have trouble remembering peoples’ names after they just told you? Yeah, us too.
Although aging is inevitable, it doesn’t mean it’s the end. There is a way to do it well and we’re here to show you. There’s no magic pill as we still have yet to discover the true Fountain of Youth. Trust us, we’ve been looking.
Helpful Tips and Tricks for Aging Gracefully
Here are a few tips and tricks to not only keeping you feeling and looking better so that you can age gracefully.
Compression Therapy
Just like a car, your body goes through some “wear and tear” as it gets up there in age. Of course, you want to keep moving and functioning but sometimes conditions like arthritis can put a damper on things.
Yes, there are many pills and medications to help with these types of conditions but one key to aging gracefully is to watch what you’re putting in your body and see if there are alternatives to medication.
Compression therapy is great to help reduce swelling and prevent loss of motion. A good pair of arthritis gloves help you get back to daily life activities like gaming, typing, and even just opening a door knob.
Find Your Youthful Glow
Uneven skin tone and texture can be a result of so many things including medication, sun exposure, and dare we say it… aging. While some of you may have won the genetic lottery and just naturally have that youthful, glowy skin, most of us did not.
But fear not, there are many ways you can rewind time, reduce the appearance of fine lines, and even out your skin tone. You can always try using top recommended skin care products.
The best way to get great results when it comes to achieving an even skin tone, is to find a really good color corrector. Color corrector will not only give you a flawless look, it will also improve your skin overtime with consistent use.
Finding a good color corrector can be a game changer. You may be shocked to see that they come in different tones, including purple, so it may feel weird at first but trust us, the results are amazing! Oftentimes you won’t even need to use traditional foundation as your skin will be so smooth and even.
A Healthy Diet and Exercise
You knew we were going to go there. A huge tip for aging gracefully is through diet and exercise. We all know what to do, so why is it so difficult to maintain?! Here are our top three suggestions to help you stay on track.
Finding a way to keep yourself accountable with eating a healthy diet is a great way to keep yourself in line. You can do this with a friend or family member. If you don’t have someone in your corner, there are so many online resources to help you build a community around you.
Find an Exercise you Love
No one likes forcing themselves to sweat at an activity they despise. So the key here is to find an activity you enjoy so that you will be more likely to stick with it in the long run. It could be anything from going for a walk or finding a fun aerobic exercise video online.
Have Sweet Treats
Yes, we’re the ones that were just talking about eating a healthy diet but it’s important to not cut everything out of your diet. A great way to stay on plan is by finding sweet treats like plant based chocolate that you can enjoy but without any of the guilt.
Age Defying Skin Care
The best way to stop the aging process on your skin is by finding a skin care routine that works for you. You can buy the most expensive serums and creams in the world but they will only work if you use them consistently.
As you start looking for a good skin care routine make sure that they are made of quality natural ingredients. You also want to ensure that they were expertly formulated and went through third-party lab testing. Your skin is one of the first things people see so it’s important to take care of it and make sure you’re using quality ingredients and products.
Now while face wash and toners are great and all, it’s important to get ahead of those pesky wrinkles. You may be wondering when you should try a cream for anti aging. Well, we don’t mean to call you out but if your birth year begins with a one and a nine, it’s time.
Improving your Memory
Tell us we’re not the only ones that have walked into a room and have completely forgotten what we were in there for. That is so frustrating.
Although memory loss is just a part of growing old, it doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do about it. One trick to improving your memory is to keep learning. This can be anything that keeps your brain going which includes doing crossword puzzles or learning a new language.
In addition to some brain exercises it’s crucial to also find the best supplement to improve memory. Sometimes the brain needs support from the inside and finding a good supplement will help with that. For example, CoQ10 levels will naturally decline with age so a good supplement will make sure your brain is firing on all cylinders.
Cosmetic Surgery
So let’s say you’re doing everything right by eating well, exercising regularly, and taking care of your body but you’re still not getting the results you had hoped for.
No amount of diet and exercise can get rid of excess skin or repair weakened or separated muscles in the abdomen. So sometimes surgery is the best option for you to show off all of your hard work.
You need to make sure you do your research and find the right doctor for you. Oftentimes this requires you to travel to find the right location and trust us, nothing says luxury like a tummy tuck in Miami. This is where you will find the best of the best.
Getting a tummy tuck will certainly help your physical appearance by giving you the firm, contoured abdomen you have been hoping for. However, it’s important to also note that it can come with some mental health benefits as well. Having a boost in your self-confidence will do wonders on your overall outlook on life.
Preventative Approach on Aging
It’s important to have a plan as you continue to age. It’s not fun to think about but many of us may experience cognitive and functional impairments as we age. But it doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do.
Finding a clinic that specializes in preventative care for seniors will help give you the best care for geriatric and dementia patients. Having a preventative approach will make sure that you get on top of any issues before they escalate. The nice thing is this can all be done with a focus on maintaining quality of life.
Like a Fine Wine
We can’t stop time so aging is inevitable, so why not do it in grace? Try out these tips and tricks and you will be looking and feeling your best as you go through life.
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