You want the day that you propose to be absolutely perfect. That’s why you need to learn about these common proposal mistakes and how you can avoid them altogether.
Don't Make These Mistakes When You Pop the Question
Picking Any Old Ring
Your sweetheart is special, so why would you give them an engagement ring that looks like a copy of everyone else’s? Get a unique ring to match your unique partner.
How can you do that? Go to a local jeweller that makes custom unique engagement rings. That way, you can cherry-pick every element of the ring’s design, from the cut of the centre stone to the metal for the band. Take a look at this professional jeweller’s gallery of custom engagement rings and get inspired for your custom creation.
If you’re still nervous about making a decision, you can also bring your sweetheart along. Lots of couples go ring shopping together so that they can be sure that it’s the right pick. That can take a lot of the guesswork off of your shoulders.
Proposing with Nothing
You’re planning on popping the question before you go ring shopping with your partner. That’s great, but you might find that they’re a little disappointed when you ask them empty-handed.
Don’t worry — some jewellers offer budget-friendly placeholder rings. You can propose with that until you go shopping for the real deal, or opt to design something custom together.
You don’t even have to get another ring. It could be a charm, a picture, a hand-written love letter — anything that you believe says, “I want to spend my life with you.” It’s not the jewellery that’s important — it’s the gesture. You’re giving them a token of your affection to prove that you’re serious with your intentions.
Not Double-Checking Their Ring Size
They said “Yes!” You stand up, pull the ring from the velvet box and try to slip it onto their finger, but then it stops before you reach the knuckle. It’s too small.
You can avoid this little faux pas. First, start by learning how to measure their ring size before you go shopping or talk to a jeweller. If you want to keep the proposal a surprise, you can borrow a ring from their jewellery box and use it as a reference.
If you do make this mistake, don’t worry too much. It’s not the end of the world. You can always get the ring resized if it’s not the perfect fit.
Putting the Ring in Food
One popular proposal mistake that people make is hiding the engagement ring inside food/drinks to surprise their partner during a meal. If your partner isn’t expecting jewellery to be in their dish, they might accidentally bite it or eat it. It won’t be romantic if they have to go to the hospital before you pop the question. If they avoid this risk, you’re still asking them to slide a sticky ring onto their finger after dunking it into their dessert’s icing or dropping it into a glass of champagne.
Keep the ring clean and off their plate.
The only other mistake that you shouldn’t make is to forget to bring tissues. It’s a big moment! So, you’ll want to be ready for the waterworks when you get down on one knee and ask them the ultimate question.
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