You guys know that I am always nice, right? I even wrote a post a few months ago about the power of being nice...I seriously believe in being nice and I try not to be a mean girl in "real life" or online. But...sometimes I am just as bitchy as the next gal. Like the time I responded to Martha Stewart's ugly food photo on Twitter because really? Martha Stewart posting ugly food photos?! After seeing tweet after tweet of blurry, dark, yucky-looking dishes from the cooking, crafting and entertaining mogul (who has inspired me for most of my adult life), I couldn't resist saying something. I thought it might actually be a joke!
I tweeted a response to her horrible photo and immediately forgot about it.
SO, imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning to find an email from a friend congratulating me on having one of my tweets featured in an article about Martha Stewart's ugly food photography on
Yeah. FOX NEWS. Posted my tweet. With my NAME.
Some of my friends thought it was pretty cool that my tweet showed up in the article...and I guess it is, even though I am not a fan of I mean, it is my name, my Twitter handle, published on a major media outlet.
But it's a little embarrassing that my public display of being not-so-nice is so, well, PUBLIC...
Gabby says
This is hilarious!
Thanks and keep tweeting 🙂
Yum Yucky says
Poor Martha. LOL!
Caroline Thomas says
I noticed Access Hollywood always seam to recap celebrity tweets every night...makes sense that a online source would do so too. Great Post!
Nilsa says
LOL. I can't believe I missed this! HA! Honesty is the best policy.
Jennifer Quillen says
LOL! I think she's heard a lot worse 😉
Kelsey Apley says
Oh wow I can't believe they added you to the article, that is pretty neat! I get how you were a little embarassed but it is still cool at the end of the day :-)! Have you gained any new followers from it?
Roxana Barriere says
Wow. I would be embarrassed too. I will definitely be careful what I post and where. But I have to admit, I definitely agree with your original sentiment. That did not look appetizing at all. 😉
HilLesha says
Jennifer! You're a mess. Haha. 🙂
I do agree with you, though. You'd think Martha Stewart would take the time to learn how to use a camera or have a friend to do it for her if she's going to post food pics on Twitter. I'm pretty sure that's going to be the case for her from now since she has received major flack for her food pics. I can't really say that I feel sorry for her after the way she talked about bloggers. ~lol~
Donna says
Ah, I don't watch Fox News, so I missed it, but you are right, her food pics are a bit.... unappetizing, to say the least. 🙂
Robin Gagnon {Mom Foodie} says
It's been nice knowing you. The Stewart gang will surely snuff you out for this 😛
Aqiyl Aniys says
LOL at Robin Gagnon comment about the Stewart gang getting you. I am glad they didn't get you. The food in the picture does look bad.