Your pet dogs love meat, right? But can your dog eat beef jerky? A misconception many people think it should be fine because the Jerky is made out of raw beef meat. Let's find out the underlying reality about it.
In general, pet dogs can eat Jerky. But not all beef jerky is safe for your pet. Only raw, organic, and artificial sugar-free beef jerky is good for dogs' health. Plus, the beef jerky should be free of ingredients like onion. Learn more about it right below.
Can Dogs Eat Beef Jerky? Is Beef Jerky Safe for Dogs?
In general, it's completely safe for dogs to eat. Because, most of the time it doesn't contain any ingredients harmful to dogs. This is why you should be sure the beef jerky doesn't have any preservatives or others while serving it to the dog.
More so, you could make custom beef jerky for your dog. It would be much safer than any other option. Raw beef jerky will be the best option while you are making it, especially for the dog. Even if you are buying Beef Jerky Brands, ensure it’s free of artificial sugar and extra additives.
What to Do If Your Dog Eats Spiced Beef Jerky
First, they will have stomach issues after eating the spiced beef jerky.
Along with that, the dog might face issues related to energy and vitality for a while. Running around would be difficult for your dog as the stomach creates strange pains.
In severe cases, the dog might face diarrhea and other stomach-related issues. The dog might have to litter more often due to the imbalance in the stomach. You could wait a few days or visit a vet for expert advice. Cause, most of the time, the dog gets well within a few days.
How to Feed Beef Jerky to Dogs
You should keep the added ingredients as low as possible when feeding dogs beef jerky. Even if you buy beef jerky snacks from the store, ensure it doesn't contain artificial ingredients.
Experts also suggest avoiding ingredients like garlic and onion in beef jerky, which can trigger the dog's stomach issues. Also, always follow moderation while feeding the jerky to your dog. Give them a few in every meal. As long as you follow these rules, everything will be fine.
Harmful Beef Jerky Ingredients
Apart from the onion and garlic, plenty of other harmful ingredients to dogs. You should not put these elements into your custom-made jerky. Otherwise, it would have a bad effect on your dog's health.
For example, fruits like grapes are fatal for dogs. Moreover, chives, Alcohol, and Artificial sweeteners (Xylitol) should not be in beef jerky. As these ingredients are not added to the beef, it stays great to eat for your dog. You should find out alternative ingredients for these.
What If a Dog Eats Onion-Rich Beef Jerky?
After eating the onion or garlic-rich beef jerky, your dog will face severe illness. As a solution, you need to call veterinary professionals for help. You could apply pressure to your dog's belly a bit for vomiting. If vomiting is not happening, you should wait and monitor your dog's health.
If the dog's condition is severe, you shouldn't wait and take the dog to the hospital. If the hospital is out of reach, give your dog activated charcoal. It would reduce the effects of the onion on the dog's body.
Can Dogs Eat Teriyaki Beef Jerky?
No, dogs should not eat any slice of Teriyaki Beef Jerky because traditional Teriyaki jerky contains added sugar, which is not a good option for your dog. So, instead of feeding your dog this beef jerky, go for an alternative. For example, you could follow the chicken wing charcuterie board recipe to make a delicious meal for your dog.
Feeding Teriyaki Beef Jerky to dogs will result in obesity. Your dogs will start gaining weight which is not good for their health. Added sugar will increase your dog's blood pressure, causing other health concerns. You should only feed raw beef jerky without any added sugar.
What Are The Benefits Of Beef Jerky For Dogs?
Jerky does have benefits for your dogs. It gives a high dose of energy yet provides raw, fried meat. Many owners use it as a treat to train their dogs. Other than trading, you could use it as a treat after the dog performs a specific task.
Almost every dog loves to chew Beef Jerky. It's a bit soft but gives enough content to chew on. Chewing on the meat will make their teeth and gum stronger. All in all, it's a great option for you to feed dogs with.
What have you learned about whether or not Can Dogs Eat Beef Jerky
Circling back to “Can your pet eat jerky?” or Is it harmful? There is no right or wrong answer; it all depends. Currently, you can find a wide variety of beef jerky.
Always go for raw, organic beef jerky, which doesn't use artificial sugar. More so, make sure the jerky doesn't include ingredients like onion or garlic. While you check those out, it's always safe to feed the beef jerky to your pet dog.
Below are some of the questions to consider when asking yourself Can Dogs Eat Beef Jerky?
Can Beef Jerky Kill Dogs?
It can kill dogs if you choose the wrong one. While buying packaged beef jerky beef, ensure they are organic and fresh. Plus, it should be free of preservatives and harmful chemicals as well.
What To Do If My Dog Ate Beef Jerky?
You should provide plain water to your dog. If they crave more, make sure you provide enough water for them to eat. Because, with proper drinking, they will balance out the extra intake of spices. Call a veteran if your dog starts to feel issues in the stomach.
Can Dogs Eat Beef Sticks?
Like Beef Jerky, all the sticks are completely safe for your dogs. Make sure you feed them with a proper limitation. As long as the amount of Beef Sticks is safe and does not contain any extra seasoning, it's all good.
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