Most women especially those expecting their first baby are more or less worried: about childbirth, the health of the future baby, or how it will change the life of the family.
In this article, we will explore reasons for anxiety about pregnancy and we will try to find out the best ways to reduce the anxiety.
How to Deal with Anxiety about pregnancy
Why is anxiety felt during pregnancy?
Women feel and know everything: they know when to take a pregnancy test, they can think about the future, and quickly plan what they should do next. But it is natural for them to feel anxiety related to significant and life changing events such as pregnancy and childbirth.
The reasons for anxiety during pregnancy are different: some women worry about the very fact of pregnancy, for example, if the pregnancy was unplanned.
The other is frightened by their health condition (especially if the pregnancy is not very easy and they suffer from severe nausea, anemia during pregnancy, diabetes, etc.), their changing body. Still, others wonder if they will be able to properly take care of a newborn, how their relationship with their husband will change, or how their older brothers and sisters will accept the child.
Anxiety during pregnancy is enhanced by a change in the concentration of hormones, a woman's increased sensitivity, and lack of sleep, often worse physical well-being, fatigue, weakness, etc.
What should I do? Unplanned pregnancy
Any woman has the possibility to find themselves in this situation. All the feelings you are going through can come flooding in like a huge wave, but try to separate these emotions and feel them.
First of all, feeling shocked and stressed is normal. If you've just found out you're pregnant and you didn't plan for it, it's normal to feel shocked, stressed, and anxious. Your feelings can range from extreme excitement to denial and fear of the situation.
Secondly, be honest with yourself. Allow yourself to feel all the emotions, and accept them. Write down these emotions in a notebook so that after a few days, you can distinguish which feelings were very temporary, and which still do not leave you even after the time has passed.
Moreover, always trust your gut. Although it may not be easy, once you click to put aside external concerns like work, studies, and family's opinion and listen to what your heart and intuition are telling you, you can deeply open your mind and feelings. You know better what to do than you think.
How to cope with the fear of miscarriage?
It is common for a woman to become worried that she may miscarry after learning about her pregnancy. Unfortunately, if the miscarriage has started, it is no longer possible to avoid it. The greatest threat occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, in other words, until the 12th week of pregnancy.
This happens due to chromosomal abnormalities, so even a full-term baby would not survive. Miscarriage can also occur due to various changes in the uterus and a woman's diseases (heart, kidney, lung, etc.), injuries or poisoning, cervical insufficiency, impaired development of the fertilized egg, malformation of the fetus, incompatibility of the fetus and the mother's blood groups, and etc.
To feel calmer and safer, read about pregnancy and search for information about changes in your body during pregnancy. Do not forget to visit a doctor. Avoid harmful factors and try to eat healthily, exercise, be more in the fresh air, talk with your loved ones, or, if needed, with specialists.
Tips for reduction of fear of giving birth
It's natural to feel anxious and fearful about childbirth. However, every woman experiences pregnancy and childbirth differently. Proper preparation will help reduce the fear of childbirth.
In addition, there is also a wealth of information on the Internet and special childbirth courses are organized. Through them, women receive many useful tips, learn to breathe correctly, etc.
One of the most common reasons why women are afraid to give birth is fear of pain. Some moms-to-be are so afraid that they ask their doctors to inject them with painkillers in advance. Yes, doctors can ease the suffering of childbirth, but it will not be possible to completely eliminate the pain.
Proper preparation helps reduce labor pains: maternity courses or yoga for pregnant women. It is popular to choose a maternity hospital in advance. If the mother-to-be feels calmer, safer, and relaxed, childbirth will be easier.
It is also worth getting to know the doctor who will take delivery. After listening to the worries and fears of the pregnant woman, he will give useful advice and tell you how everything will go.
It is not uncommon for women to fear that labor will not start earlier. Therefore, you should prepare for it in advance: pack the most necessary things, take care of transportation, etc.
The bottom line
All women have the power and strength to give birth to a child, so you can do it too. Always remember that the anxiety you feel is a natural feeling. Don't be afraid to ask for help and always take care of yourself.
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