There’s a reason why marriage is important - it brings a new sense of purpose. Now that the festivities are over, the groomsmen have helped you guys move into your new place, and the bridemaids have returned their dresses to, what should you and your spouse expect next? We’ve taken a look at other newlyweds and found some surprising things that were the same for all of them.
- Unveiling Habits You Didn’t Know He/She Had
The dating phase is one of courtship; during which everyone puts their best foot forward to impress the other. Now, after marriage, you really get to know each other. Sure - he might leave his socks everywhere, and she might take 90% of the blanket - but love is still in the air!
- A Pet Before A Child
Many newlyweds that were interviewed made the choice to first get a pet before children came into the picture. Of course this makes a lot of sense, since it will prepare you and show you how much of a responsibility goes into caring for another life. You might decide that you’re not ready for a bigger commitment.
- Your First Fight As A Married Couple
No matter how easygoing you are naturally, the first fight in a marriage will occur before the first few months are up. This is unavoidable. Use the first fight as a lesson as to what irritates your significant other and what you need to do to get back to the marital bliss.
- Self-consciousness May Set In
This can go either way - man or woman. If your spouse continues to maintain a fitness routine, you might start feeling a bit bad about your fitness. Or maybe you just had a baby and the baby weight is taking too long to shed off due to the newfound responsibilities that can leave a gym membership as the odd man out. A solution common to couples in Nevada is found at Here you can re-gain your confidence with numerous body enhancement procedures. Tattoo removal is the most common one.
- The Bathroom Is No Longer A Private Space
Your spouse will evade your space even when you wish you had some private time in the bathroom. Either be prepared for this or establish some ground rules as to when it is acceptable to barge in the room and when it’s not.
- Financial Troubles
Budgeting, spending and saving money will become a bit more difficult when two people share money - and that’s even if you don’t specifically have a joint credit or banking account. However, these waters are easy to navigate: consult first, plan together and overlook small personal purchases here and there.
- The Wonder Of Routine
Falling into a routine is guaranteed. Don’t think that routine is bad for a marriage; nothing could be further from the truth Hitting the gym with your spouse after work, heading home to dinner, perhaps catching a movie, etc. The days will be long and enjoyable as you spend them with your favorite person in the world.
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