When you think of the word "wellness," you mostly think along the lines of your physical health and fitness. However, the inherent meaning of the word is too vast and profound to limit it to physical health alone. Wellness envelops all the dimensions that influence your quality of life.
Wellness most commonly has seven dimensions: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, occupational, and environmental. All of these dimensions contribute to one's sense of wellness, although the degree of importance for each may vary for everyone. Here’s some information about each of these 7 Dimensions of Wellness and How to Achieve Them.
7 Dimensions of Wellness and How to Achieve Them
1. Physical Wellness
As mentioned above, physical wellness is probably the first thing most people think of at the mention of "wellness." Just like overall wellness goes beyond your physical state, your physical wellness means more than keeping your body free of illnesses.
Physical wellness not only constitutes a lack of sickness or disease but also listening to your body's needs so that it functions optimally. It is about caring for your body throughout your life and aging healthily.
The physical dimension of wellness requires a lot more than just a healthy diet every once in a while. To remain physically healthy throughout your life, you must maintain proper nutrition, exercise regularly, abstain from alcohol and drugs, and give your body adequate rest and sleep.
Consider the safety of your body at all times to avoid any harm or injury. Also, get regular medical checkups to be aware of your physical health status.
If you identify any concerning health symptoms, consult your doctor and seek medical treatment instantly. While the reluctance to seek a doctor to avoid confronting an unexpected diagnosis is understandable, delaying treatment is no solution.
Nowadays, healthcare professionals are skilled at identifying and tackling unprecedented medical issues, given their reliance on extensive research and higher education. The availability of accredited programs online, such as BSN to DNP online, has made it even more possible for healthcare professionals to provide quality medical care.
Online programs enable medical workers to conduct research work alongside pursuing academic endeavors. There is no shortage of qualified healthcare professionals who can treat you to the best of their abilities. So, you have nothing to worry about for your next visit to the doctor.
2. Intellectual Dimension
The intellectual dimension of wellness necessitates stimulating your brain, expanding your knowledge, and valuing learning. Just as the body needs physical exercise to remain physically healthy, your mind needs mental exercise to be intellectually well.
Learning never stops at any stage of your life, but the curiosity and the openness to learn and develop your cognitive skills might.
To combat demotivation for intellectual advancement, remind yourself that knowledge is the key to self-fulfillment in life. Stay open to new experiences, keep yourself interested in the ongoing affairs around you, and find value in art and literature.
The opportunities to remain intellectual are endless, so never limit yourself when learning in the educational, professional, or personal spheres of life.
3. Emotional Dimension
Emotional wellness involves observing, understanding, and accepting your feelings, behaviors, values, and attitudes. It also involves managing your emotions by feeling, expressing, and handling them throughout life's many experiences.
Beyond managing your thoughts and feelings effectively against challenges, emotional wellness also concerns itself with understanding the feelings of others.
Being in tune with your thoughts and feelings is not easy. But you can do it by developing healthy coping mechanisms - regular meditation can help relieve stress and increase self-awareness. Work towards developing an optimistic attitude towards life and especially during setbacks.
Learn to accept yourself as who you are instead of beating yourself over unrealistic self-goals and achievements. Also, never be hesitant to ask for help, professional or otherwise. Even if it is only to unload yourself, always seek human connection.
4. Social Wellness
Social wellness encompasses interacting with other people, maintaining healthy relationships with them, and giving back to society. Developing a positive and supportive social network and contributing toward the betterment of the community helps create and nurture your sense of belonging.
As Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, once said, "Man is by nature a social animal." As humans, we seek connections: an intimacy with those who understand and accept us as who we are.
To improve your social wellness, seek out positive and healthy relationships with others. Develop your communication skills and show respect towards people of different backgrounds and cultures to appreciate them.
5. Spiritual Wellness
Many people relate spiritual wellness to religion, prayers, and a connection with God, but it is much more than that. While seeking spiritual wellness may include all that, it encompasses recognizing the purpose of life and living life to fulfill it.
It involves being aware of your beliefs, values, and the meaning behind life and participating in activities that adhere to them.
To achieve spiritual wellness, you need to find harmony between the forces within and outside you- many people do so through meditation and mindfulness. Learn to know yourself from the inside out and the world around you.
Also, learn to appreciate the life that constantly gives you opportunities to grow.
6. Occupational Wellness
If you hate your work, you may find yourself on the lower end of the occupational wellness spectrum. Everybody has a dream profession, but you don't always get to choose your occupation- sometimes, because of life's circumstances, the choices are made for you.
Occupational wellness is about finding pride and satisfaction in what you do for a living.
Even if your current job is not your dream job, showing enthusiasm for better work opportunities and preparing yourself for them also improves occupational wellness. Put your efforts, talents, and skills into the work that feels meaningful to you.
7. Environmental Wellness
We have a direct and intimate relationship with the Earth. This planet is our home; its environment affects us just as much as we affect it with our actions and habits.
Environmental wellness involves recognizing and understanding how our environment impacts our life and being mindful of the activities that may have adverse consequences.
To achieve environmental wellness, participate in socially responsible activities. For instance, make the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle) one of your life mantras, and avoid using materials that may harm the environment. Show your commitment to protecting the planet and making it a healthy place to live.
7 Dimensions of Wellness and How to Achieve Them
To live life with as much fulfillment as you deserve, appreciate yourself and those around you. Grow and nourish your bond with the land, its people, and yourself.
Your overall wellness is a work in progress, and as you age and grow, you may find the importance of each of these dimensions shifting.
Change is a part of life, and adapting to these changes is one of the aspects of achieving wellness. In your quest to live a better life, consult a professional to set these goals and look for the best ways to achieve them.
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