There are several people who can’t live without coffee and the reason behind this is that coffee actually has several amazing health benefits. Apart from being a natural antioxidant, the caffeine in coffee stimulates your brain to actively function, helping you to concentrate and focus, thus keeping you awake too. You don’t really have to frequently go to coffee shops to have that wonderful cup of coffee because you can brew your perfect cup of coffee at home. Here are 5 Tips To Brewing the Perfect Cup of Coffee at Home!
5 Tips To Brewing the Perfect Cup of Coffee at Home
Start with fresh, whole bean coffee
More often than not, people who brew coffee purchase pre-ground coffee. But these bags have probably been roasted months before and coffee reaches its peak flavor just days after it has been roasted. It is best to consume this within just a month after it was roasted. Thereby, consider buying fresh, whole bean coffee and check your local coffee shops if they can roast on the spot for you.
Properly store your beans
Getting fresh whole beans is one thing, properly storing them is another. To keep your coffee beans fresh for longer, keep in mind that you need to store them properly. A standard mason jar may just do the trick. Use different sizes depending on your brewing needs and store pre-weighed servings.
Grind before brewing
When you grind your coffee beans matters in terms of its maximum flavor. Studies have shown that coffee actually begins to lose its flavor within an hour after it is ground. Thus, it is best to grind your coffee right before you are planning to brew.
Grind properly
In parallel, how you grind your coffee beans matter as well. If you grind too coarsely, there is a great chance that you will have a weak pot of coffee. More often than not, automatic drip machines require a medium-fine to finely ground coffee beans. Thereby, it is best to invest in a manual hand mill to achieve an impeccable and consistently ground coffee beans. You also have the option of using blade grinders, but there is a great chance that these would produce an inconsistent particle size.
5 Tips To Brewing the Perfect Cup of Coffee at Home
Brew at the right temperature
Several automatic drip machines never really reach the optimal brewing temperature for coffee to reach its peak flavor. Fortunately, the coffee lovers behind provided a review of some of the best coffee making machines that have manual temperature adjustment. Nevertheless, you can go ahead and measure the temperature of your coffee during the brewing process. The desired temperature that you are aiming for is somewhere between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit. Be careful, however, because a temperature above this will likely burn your coffee.
Coffee has several amazing benefits, whether you are consuming it naturally, or applying it on your skin as a scrub. If you are a coffee lover, there are already several ways on how you can enjoy a perfect cup of coffee where you want it and when you want it. If you are not yet one, now is the time for you to try brewing the perfect cup of coffee in the comfort of your own home.
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