Coffee is way more popular than you think. It’s the world’s second-most consumed beverage. People in the US alone get through more than 400 million cups of the stuff every day.
But, as it turns out, there’s a lot that you don’t know about coffee. Take a look at the following.
It’s Effectively Zero Calories
Let’s be clear here: we’re not talking about lattes, mochas, or anything with mountains of whipped cream. We’re strictly referring to black coffee - or coffee mixed with water.
Coffee is essentially zero calories. While there are a few calories from the oils in the beans, the amount that you get per cup is tiny - about six calories, or the amount of energy in a lettuce leaf. What’s more, the caffeine in the coffee actually causes your body to burn more energy than it would usually, counteracting the effect of any fat or carbs in the drink itself.
You Can Safely Drink Up To Four Cups Per Day
Researchers have long worried about the effect of coffee on the body. Caffeine, after all, is a drug.
It turns out, however, that most people are highly tolerant to the effects of coffee. The average cup of coffee contains about 80 to 100 mg of caffeine. The human body can process around 300 mg per day without it adversely affecting sleep, especially if you drink the majority of the coffee in the morning.
Decaf Contains All Of The Same Antioxidants
Decaf is growing in popularity across the world, thanks to the many benefits that it offers, including allowing you to drink coffee at night
But that isn’t the only reason health fanatics love it. It’s also popular because of the fact that it contains all of the nutrients and antioxidants of regular coffee believed to confer the health-promoting effects of the drink. Using the best single serve coffee maker you can find, you can whip up a delicious decaf that tastes just as good as the real thing.
Coffee Helps You Learn
What’s the best way to learn something as quickly as possible, aside from spending a day in the library? The answer appears to be drinking coffee. Caffeine has the ability to change your brain chemistry, making it easier for your neurons to form new connections.
Coffee Helps Headaches
You don’t often people advising headache sufferers to drink more coffee, but there’s evidence that it may actually help a great deal.
The reason for this has to do with the way it affects the blood vessels in the head. Researchers think that vascular constriction is the cause of most headaches. When a person is stressed, their blood vessels tighten, and it becomes more challenging to shuttle nutrients and oxygen to the brain. This, in turn, leads to pain, which causes headaches.
Now research shows that coffee can help blood vessels to the brain relax. With increased dilation, blood can deliver nutrients more readily to all parts of the head, reducing tiredness, pain, and fatigue.
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