This post is sponsored by ChromaDex, all opinions are my own.
I've been writing a lot lately about the fact that I am turning 40 this year. As my birthday quickly approaches (it's less than a month away now!), anti-aging is on my mind more than ever. I remember when I turned 30 I freaked out that I was "getting older." But it wasn't until I was 35 that I began to take steps to improve my overall health and pay attention to all of the anti-aging products out there. The steps I have taken over the last five years seem to be working to maintain my youthful appearance, as I hear all the time: "You don't look your age!" While I may not really believe it when people say I look 25, it certainly is really nice to hear. People always ask me how I do it and what my secret is. And while my family's good genes definitely play a role — thanks, mom! — I actually work pretty hard to maintain my youthful appearance (and my youthful demeanor as well). You see, youth isn't just skin deep. It's a mentality as well! I hope that these 5 Anti-Aging Tips to Keep You Young Inside and Out benefit you as much as they have me in the last five years!
5 Anti-Aging Tips to Keep You Young Inside and Out
Moisturize All Day, Every Day
I used to get injections that smoothed the wrinkles on my forehead and around my eyes. Once I really began focusing on my skincare regimen, those pricey injections were really no longer necessary. I use a facial moisturizer in the morning and at night, as well as a special eye-firming cream in the evenings. I swear by them!
Moisturizing keeps your skin hydrated, smooth, and fresh-looking...which is a sure sign of youth, no matter how you look at it.
Take Vitamins and Supplements Like It's Your Job
Sure, I can use anti-aging moisturizer and lather on the SPF to protect my youthful-looking skin, but what about the INSIDE? One of the changes I made to my morning routine a few years ago was to start taking a daily multivitamin; a hair, skin and nails supplement; and a probiotic. You may not be aware of this, but even your hair ages...I began noticing that my hair wasn't as healthy, shiny, and strong as I entered my late 30s, and my supplement has made a difference!
Then I began to think about the bigger picture...What about the very cells that make up my body? Those age, too. Whether you know it or not, the health our cells impact the way that we age! I was recently introduced to TRU NIAGEN®, a groundbreaking supplement that provides your cells with the vital nutrients they need to increase NAD levels. If you aren't familiar with NAD, don't worry! I'd never heard of it before either! NAD is associated with many functions in your body, including anti-aging, cellular metabolism, and sleep cycles. Our cells need NAD to regulate circadian rhythm, support muscle function, and increase energy production at the cellular level. Higher NAD levels can help our cells function at their best.
Dr. Charles Brenner discovered that nicotinamide riboside (NR), a natural nutrient found in small amounts in milk, is used by the body to create a critical coenzyme called NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). NAD is required for all bioenergetic processes of breaking down food and generating cellular energy, the crucial chemical in cellular metabolism that gives cells their ability to work. ChromaDex works with global leaders in the area of cellular health, and is the worldwide patent-holder and innovator behind NIAGEN® (nicotinamide riboside). Tru Niagen has been shown to boost levels of NAD in multiple studies. A single serving (two capsules a day) of Tru Niagen produces clinically significant increases in NAD levels.
Don't Let Other People Tell You How to Feel
Friends often joke with me that I date younger men, that I dress too young for my age, and that I need to "calm down" in general. Why? Age is just a number, a state of mind, and I truly feel that I am still young. Since when did 40 become a death sentence for fun and vitality?
Lifestyle expert Kym Douglas seems to take the same approach to age. She was recently interviewed and this is what she had to say about Tru Niagen.
TN: There are so many misconceptions about women with aging. What do you find that one of the biggest misconceptions are?
KD: I think that with aging whether you live in Tulsa, Oklahoma or Detroit, Michigan or Brentwood, California, I feel like women after 40 or 45, there’s this unspoken rule that maybe you’re not going to be found as attractive, maybe you’re not as desired in the workforce, in the fashion industry, or in your friendship circles. Maybe you’re not going to be asked to parties or gatherings or to speak at your child’s school. I don’t think we should follow along those lines. I think that as you get older you have so much more experience. I’ve done it, I’ve gotten this behind me, I can help you with this. When you’re in your 40s that should be when you’re lifted up and desired even more.
Now, I've only been taking Tru Niagen for a few weeks, and I am already beginning to feel the effects. Whereas I used to guzzle iced coffee in the morning, I have found that lately, I am more alert, more awake, and just more productive in general. I can't wait to see how things go as I continue taking Tru Niagen!
Feed Your Body the Fuel It Needs, Not the Food It Wants
Like most people, I grew up eating all sorts of processed foods, sodas, juices, etc. While I may still love my raspberry Zingers on road trips, food like that does absolutely NOTHING for your body...except make you feel like absolute crap after the sugar high wears off. My family began to concentrate on eating whole foods over a decade ago, but life has been so crazy lately that I found I was not eating well. I wasn't even eating junk food, I just wasn't eating enough fruits, veggies, or lean protein. There came a day a few weeks ago where I felt weak and kept getting headaches. I soon realized that I wasn't eating properly and it was beginning to take a toll on me!
Once I made an effort to includes more fruits and veggies into my diet, I began to feel myself again! A diet full of healthy fruits and vegetables does a lot more than make you feel good while you're eating them. They're rich in antioxidants that help fight the signs of aging. If you're having a hard time fitting enough fruits and veggies into your diet, try making smoothies at home!
Remember that YOUTH is a State of Mind
If I had a dollar for every time a friend told me she was too tired to go out and do something…I’d have a lot of dollars. I really believe that when you get yourself up and moving, your energy levels increase. It’s so easy to fall into the habit of laziness, and I swear it takes years off of your life.
I have friends of all ages: younger, the same age, older. The one thing we all have in common is that we LOVE TO LIVE. We brunch. We go to the beach. We plan trips together. We try new restaurants. We go dancing…
To maintain your youth, you have to embrace the mentality of the young! Go jump in that ocean. You only live once!
Just make sure to always keep up with your regular health checks and you can combat or improve signs of ageing that do occur. For example, if you are having trouble with your eyesight, you can book in for an eye test and get some great frames from!
Get Social with TRU NIAGEN!
Follow @TruNiagen on Twitter / Follow @TruNiagen on Instagram and like the TruNiagen Facebook page! #AgeBetter #ad
Orion says
Thanks Jenn for this refreshing post, I so much agree with your attitude towards aging, it has to come from within as well as get 'help' from outside.
I too have been blessed with good youthful genes, but 'just in case' have been an avid skincare rountiner since the age of 16...and I think I am reaping the fruits of my dedication. I am 52 this year, but I really need to remind myself this, cause I don't feel it, I don't look it and I certainly don't behave it...
Tru Niagen sounds like a great product and I will look into it some more. I have been supplementing my body with good healthy supplements as well as a good diet, but this NAD thing is interesting.
With Gratitude - Orion
Bob Jones says
Thanks for the tips.