When you plan a vacation, one of the first things you need to do is see whether or not you need some documentation. Passports are almost always a must, but not visas. Some countries do not require a visa when you visit, but at the same time, some of them do. So what do you need to do? You need to get all the paperwork together and go to the embassy of the country you wish to visit.
A visit to the embassy can prove to be unpleasant, to say the least. If the said embassy is in your city, then you are in luck, but you still need to go there during business hours, and you still need to take some time off work. Aside from that, you need to spend some time in line and go through an interview. Usually, I would not complain, but if there is a better way which will allow you to avoid all that, would you take it? I am sure you would.
You have the possibility of choosing an online visa. ‘How does that work?’,you may wonder. It is possible that you have heard of services like that before, but you have never tried it. I am here to tell you that such a thing is the best thing ever. The process is entirely online, you can do it during a commercial break while you are watching TV or on your lunch break at work. It should not take you more than 20 minutes to complete the application, and the waiting time is unbelievably short.
iVisa is one of the online businesses that can make all of that happen. You just access their website and follow the steps. However, while there are about 220 nationalities that can travel to 219 destinations, not all of them are compatible. That means that you may qualify for a particular visa, but not for another. Let’s say that you are a US citizen and you want to go to India. You can use iVisa’s Visa Checker. It is a tool that will let you know whether or not you qualify for a particular visa. You will see that you do qualify for an Indiaevisa, and all the details will be provided for you so that you can apply. However, if you want to go to let’s say Zimbabwe, the Visa Checker will let you know that you do need a tourist visa, but iVisa cannot get it for you. So you see, all you need to do is check a few things off your list and apply.
The same thing can be said about passports. While you cannot apply for a passport online, you can get the passport photos online. How does that work? Apparently, all you need is a webcam, and that is it. The site will upload your photo, and you will have an entire set send to your home. Going to a drugstore of photo studio may not be hard, but if there is an easier way…why not just go with it?
As you can see, things are changing, and what once was a hassle is now simple and effortless. Going to the embassy is not the most convenient way to get a visa anymore, and all you can do is sit back and enjoy the improvements. Others will surely follow.
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