One of the greatest parts about living is having someone with which to share it. For a lot of people, that is a dog. Their beloved canine friend gives them unconditional love and showers them with unfettered affection. However, getting a dog is about more than just adopting a cute face and giving it a fantastic name. A dog is a huge responsibility. Read these things you should know about dog ownership to see if you are ready for such a commitment.
1. Decide the Age Range You Are Seeking
So many people want a puppy, a small quivering bundle of fur they can snuggle with. However, before you get a puppy, you should know that puppies require a lot of care. From housebreaking to basic training, a puppy is more work than an adult dog. In addition, adult dogs are often overlooked and are not given a chance to prove their worth.
2. Know the Traits and Behavior of Your Breed
Even if you are committed to adopting a dog from your local shelter, you should read up on the biological nature of the breed that is most dominant in their inheritance. This can not only tell you about the average lifespan of the pup but also whether that particular breed is prone to any health conditions. It is also important to educate yourself and know what is best to feed them. For instance, the hereditary attributes of a Great Dane might be different from that of a Teacup French Bulldog.
3. Be Prepared to Sacrifice a Lot of Time
The age at which you get your dog does not really matter, they all require an extraordinary amount of time. Your dog will need time to get to know you and they will also need a lot of playtimes, both with you and alone. Taking your dog on regular walks and establishing a feeding schedule may be too large of a time commitment if you have never had a dog before.
4. Be Prepared to Pay a Lot for Their Healthcare
Adopting a dog is much like adopting a child, in that you have a duty to provide their healthcare. The only difference is, with a dog, that is for life. Keep in mind that healthcare includes everything from radical and expensive medical treatments to routine shots and vaccinations.
5. Make Sure They Interact Well With Children
For many people, a dog is great as a surprise gift. However, many dogs, regardless of breed, do not do well around small children It is important to choose a dog as a family, being sure of one with a temperate suited to everyone.
6. The Choice Between a Leash or a Harness
For an incredible amount of dog owners, this is quite a lively debate. The benefits of harnesses as opposed to leashes is one that can polarize any crowd of dog lovers. Collars are not only more cost-effective and easier to slip on than harnesses, but they also display a dog's information tags prominently. However, harnesses distribute the strength of each pull over a greater area of your dog's body, putting less strain on their muscles.
7. Pet-Proof Your Home
In order to provide care for both your pooch and your beloved furniture, you will have to make your home safe for a pet. This may involve putting up collapsible gates at the top of stairs or placing pads on which they do their business in designated areas. These are also excellent tools for training your new dog.
8. Be Prepared for a Lot of Love
By far, one of the best benefits of getting a dog is the benefit it can make on your mental health. That benefit is a wonderful one for you, with a dog adding love and joy to your life and the lives of those around you. A dog is a wonderful source of unconditional love and acceptance. After a short while, you will wonder how you ever got along without that amazing canine in your home. Getting one, if you are prepared, can bring happiness into your life.
James says
Thank you very much for your article. We recently bought a husky puppy and realized that before that we didn't even know this dog was so loud. This does not bring much discomfort and we love our puppy, but sometimes we would like it to be a little quieter. Tell me, maybe this can somehow be tempered by some kind of training? Perhaps someone also encountered this problem. What solution did you find?