Marriage is a union of two people who start off giddy and totally in love. Unfortunately, many people marry the first person that sweeps them off their feet and then find out later that they are not compatible. Going through a divorce, especially when children are involved, is a difficult situation that can cause people to go through a series of emotions. One day they are fine, and then the next day a total mess. The good news is that if you know someone who's going through a divorce, there are things you can do to help them get through it.
Ways to Support a Friend Going Through a Divorce
Be a Good Listener
Often people going through a divorce just want to talk through it and reason with themselves that it's for the best. As their friend, it's your job to be there as a good listener and let them talk about it as much as they need to feel better. Even if you didn't care for their spouse, now is not the time to trash them.
Be the Best Friend
You've always made your friend happy, and you can fight just like family, and that's why you're the one they count one to remain the same. If the relationship starts to change your friend will feel that it's their fault and have something else to worry about. Instead, make every effort to act the same and continue to be their strength. Doing things like showing up unexpectedly because you are in the area or sending funny ecards to cheer them up are great ways to let them know you care. Above all, be honest with them. If you feel that your friend is falling into a depression and you worry about their health, don't be shy about voicing your concerns.
Go Out and Have Fun
Your friend may want to avoid contact with the outside world. However, this will not help them get over the divorce. Going out to dinner, a comedy club or to a movie with friends gives them a chance to laugh and clear their mind, even if only for a couple of hours.
Dating Isn't Now
Some people think that once you go through a divorce, you should get back out there and start dating. Since your friend is currently still married with children and just going through a divorce; they will have many things on their mind, the least of which is dating. When the time is right, they will express an interest in hooking up with someone else.
Be There When They Need You
When you go through a difficult time in your life, you count on your family and good friends to help you out. Let your friend know that if they need help with things like babysitting or moving that you will be available.
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