People are curious beings and will always want to know the future before it happens. Therefore, it only makes sense that many people would be drawn towards psychics and their ability to give insight into the future. While there are plenty of psychics who can use their energies to assist you, there are also many phonies whose only prediction that will come true is you losing your money. There is nothing worse than paying for any type of service only to find out that we were scammed later on. But now you will ask, how can you be sure that the reading you’re getting from the psychic is accurate? There are a few indicators to look at to tell if your psychic is the real deal or not. This includes the specificity of the information, fishing for information, generalized claims, and looking at the psychic themselves. Just like any service it is important to do your research about them beforehand.
Here are a few ways to ensure that the psychic reading you are getting is from a real psychic.
They Do Not Fish for Information
A real psychic does not need to fish for information to give you an interpretation. While you will need to tell the psychic what you want them to look into, they should be able to piece everything together using their powers. A psychic who has to ask for plenty of names and specific details is only setting you up to tell lies. Throughout their reading, all they are doing is restating what you are saying but in different words. Therefore, your reading has been nothing but hearing yourself twice. A good psychic will start to actually interpret what you are saying and dig deeper and further down into the meanings. They require minimal details and will do most of the talking themselves. If you find yourself at a psychic who is making you tell extremely long stories, your reading might not be as accurate as you want it to be.
Generalized Claims
One of the biggest ways to spot a phony is to look at the claims they make. If a psychic is content with continually making blanket statements, it is most likely they are a phony. What are some blanket statements you should look for? According to, if a psychic makes reference to your past saying that you have had ups and downs, or says that in the future good times are coming along with bad times, they are making very vague and generalized statements. These statements will come true regardless as life will always bring good and bad with you. A good psychic will begin to make specific claims and talk about what specifically is going to bring about good change in your life and what will bring about negative change. If you’re going to spend a lot of money by having your life looked into, make sure you’re actually hearing useful information. Don’t get sucked into blanket statements as many people often do.
Vague Answers
Similar to generalized claims, if you ask a question to a psychic or ask for something to be interpreted, but he gives little to no insight to what it actually means, there is a strong chance you are dealing with a phony. A real psychic will have insight to channel into other means and interpret dreams and other events to help give you the extra meanings behind them. Most people can respond to answers with generalized and vague terms. If that is something you are looking for, you can just go ask a friend who can provide the exact same service as that fake psychic. Looking for someone to elaborate and talk is a way to ensure that you are getting an accurate reading.
Check the Reviews
With any service, it's important to look into the quality you will be receiving by looking at previous people’s experiences. Psychics with a low score or no reviews are often phonies as they will try to hide all the negative ratings. Real psychics, on the other hand, are happy to put out their reviews and comments as it will help bring them further business. Make sure you evaluate your psychic beforehand to ensure your reading is accurate.
The psychic industry is one that is filled with a large number of fakers and frauds. Don’t assume everyone you go to is looking out for you and providing an honest service. Make sure your psychic does not try to fish for information, gives specific claims, and does not give vague answers. Before choosing your psychic, make sure they have reviews and comments as those are typically the most trustworthy ones. If you do all this, you are on the right path to ensuring your psychic reading is accurate. So, what do you want to know about your life?
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